View Full Version : Worrying about side effects of antibiotics

15-01-13, 21:34
Hello...am panicking...need help!!

I have started taking Ofloxacin today...and have only taken one dose, and am taking no more.

I have seen too much on the internet about the permanent effects of this particular type of antibiotic, I am going back to my doctor tomorrow to see if there is anything they can give me that isnt this type of drug.

I hve only taken one dose but now cannot stop worrying about its effects...i hve read reports on the internet about it causing permanent blindness, deafness, disability,,,,and although i plan not to take any more, i worry that i have already done damage, and cannot calm down...

Anyone who could help me to calm down, thoughts? :) x

15-01-13, 21:41
Looking on the internet about most things will always yield results that will alarm you.

Also, everyone has different side effects, but you'd best speak to your doctor to either offer you another alternative (which also may have horrible side effects if you search on the internet) or just re-assure you.

15-01-13, 21:44
I know...a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, as they say.

I'm going back to my doctors tomorrow, to get them to put me on something else.

Im most worried about sight loss. Ive always been VERY anxious about that, so to see that on the internet people have gone blind has sent me slightly mad...from what I know, antibiotics effects are cumulative, ie one pill shouldnt be a problem, but it doesnt seem to be sinking in...

Thanks :)

15-01-13, 22:02
Hello Kate. Sorry you are in this situation though if you've seen worrying things about it online I can understand that. That's the unfortunate side to readily available information online much of which isn't necessarily backed up with facts.... Which I know is why people on here advise against too much online activity.
I do have some thoughts which u may be interested in.....I know doctors wouldn't knowingly prescribe a drug that would be dangerous, well that would be my expectation since their main aim would be to make you (and all their patients) well again. This isn't a drug I've come across tho when it comes to antibiotics I haven't taken that many.
I believe that if you were to look up any drug there will always be cases where they didn't agree with some people and I guess there may be documented cases of serious problems but statistics would probably demonstrate the greater majority of people prescribed them would benefit greatly.
I suppose you could apply the philosophy that its no different to various modes of transport, each carrying their own risks. But to go about our daily lives, we do encounter the need to take a small risk or we wouldn't lead very active or interesting lives.
I appreciate how difficult it can be to decide upon taking medication as I have had both physical (worried about side effects) and moral (because of animal testing) dilemmas over taking prescribed medication myself. Ultimately tho my decisions have always been about finding a balance between those things and my own well being.
So from that angle, I guess you do need to keep a realistic and balanced perspective when weighing up evidence which helps you come to a decision.... Do i take them....Yes or no.
You need to consider ALL evidence, not just the stuff people put on the Internet which comes across as scarey. This type of evidence will get highlighted because it is more interesting and dramatic..... But there would no doubt also be positive supporting evidence much in favour of the drug were u to deliberately look for that too.
I have read a bit about the side effects. They look similar to those I'd expect to see for an antibiotic...but I guess I'm not an expert in the matter. U could always talk to the pharmacist as well?
Please dont worry too much as i really do not feel one dose would be enough to cause any issues for you.Although I'm not qualified to decide for you, I'm hoping that my thoughts will at least be helpful to u.

15-01-13, 22:05
It hasn't got any worse side effects than other antibiotics, there's no way the pill form can affect your eyes or hearing.
Do you think you'll be calmer on different antibiotics?

Take lots of probiotic yogurt, as antibiotics kill of the good bacteria in your gut, which can increase your anxiety : )

You won't get ill from one single pill, serious reactions happen right way, less serious ones such as a rash might happen towards the end or after you've finished a course, now that just means you probably shouldn't take that particular medication again and tell your doctor. antihistimes will get rid of the rash.

Honestly don't google your next antibiotics if you get them changed, maybe don't even read the side effects on the leaflet.
You might end up mistaking anxiety symptoms for a reaction. It's not worth the stress : )

Is sight loss listed on the leaflet? I looked it up and no where does it mention sight loss from the pill.

15-01-13, 22:09
It tends to be quinolones (i think thats how you spell it - the category of antibiotic it is) as a whole, i saw "adverse reactions to quinolones" on wikipedia, and it was all downhill from there....

I saw one of the symptoms was loss of colour vision in one eye...now im going around the house, squinting at all manner of objects, convinced there is less colour in one eye than the other...I think i am going mad :(

but you have all been so helpful, i really do appreciate it...:)

20-01-13, 20:50
this is a horrible thing..my mind convinced me that i was allergic to most antibiotics..in fact the only one i could take [the vilest]was metrondiazole.
the dr used to say heres the woman thats allergic to every antibiotic known to man..
over christmas i had and still have low grade a severe sinus infection..
i was so ill i had to have eurothromycin..i was so ill i didnt care and didnt look for side effects..it was a really high dose and was in bed for 2 weeks with the infection and exhaustion and i had not one side effect that i noticed with it..although 2 years previously id taken myself to casualty with it with shortness of breath .chest pains and sickness[it was all anxiety related]but didnt really realise this until i took it this time with no problems..they washed me out with saline and gave me steroids..

i always worry about the side effects of any meds and logically we know there will be some annoying side effects but in our minds they are much worse than we think,.completey understnad where you are coming from..go back to your drs and get them to put you on something else.
in one way for myself i am releived because there is something now that i can take..and they didnt even work for the sinus anyway,
what are you on them for,is it something that might clear up on its on.
good luck and hugs to you xx

Nighttime pacer
20-01-13, 23:09
Hey Katepower
I'm not a chemist or a doctor but 2 things occur to me.
I think you have to realise drug companies are scared of being sued if they don't mention a side effect which one person out of every million of people who take the drug might have.
If they were really dangerous they wouldn't prescribe them as they would cause more problems for the medical profession than they'd solve.
Why not take them but phone your pharmacy and ask to speak to the pharmacist about them. As they're dispensing them all day every day they're likely to know if they're considered a potential problem.
I've had quite a few antibiotics over the years and solving the problems they were prescribed for has always been more important to me than possible side effects.
Please try not to worry.
Speak to the pharmacist or your doctor, they'll be used to people having concerns about drugs.
Take care
Nighttime Pacer