View Full Version : Feel like I can't breathe I am in such a panic

16-01-13, 00:25
I'm so sorry to keep posting on the same issues but my daughters lymph nodes have me so worried behind her ears. She feels good she still has a good apatite an she still does her sports but I don't know why the lymph nodes would be enlarged. They are behind both ears and I have had her to the doctors twice about it and they said its because of her acne. They have been enlarged for 7 months and I am worrying myself to death. What do I do? I want to take her to the ER but my husband won't let me.

16-01-13, 13:31
Please anyone??:weep:

16-01-13, 14:00
I think you have to trust the doctor on this one to be honest.

Not sure what other advice I can give - sorry

16-01-13, 14:05
Hi lisa, how old is your daughter? Im presuming shes a teen? ok, achne and other skin related issues can be part of the autoimmune disorder/desease heading! SO immunity of the body is located at the lymphatic system - hence your daughters lymph nodes. Im a mum of 2 myself, so can see the cause for concern BUT please try not to worry too much. Plus the docs have confirmed this. IF you continue to worry and there is no significant improvement over the next couple of weeks, i would ask for a general blood test.

hope that helps

16-01-13, 21:56
My lb has these I was worried sick aswell his right side just underneath his ear he has 2 very noticeable lumps the doc said he just had big nodes. He aswell isn't unwell or anything :) xx

17-01-13, 13:58
Hi Lisa,

First of all, I'm so sorry that you are going through such an anxious time.

I may sound like I'm being harsh with this post, but please believe me when I say my intent is not to upset you or berate you.

I see from your other post that your doctor performed an examination of your daughters other nodes, that they were fine, and he said the enlargement is caused by acne. This is very common and you *need* to let yourself believe him honey because by working yourself up like this, you could really affect your daughter.

My Mum suffered from bad anxiety and she had me in and out of the doctors and subjected to tests all the time when I was a kid. Then when they found nothing I'd see her freaking out and talking about how they must have missed something/she didn't believe them etc etc. I think this played a massive part in me developing health anxiety and I've only recently learned to allow myself to trust doctors and not be suspicious that they are all incompetent/lazy/trying to fob me off.

You may not be anything like as extreme as my Mum of course but please don't let yourself slide down that slope. Your last post said you'd taken her to the doctors 3 times which is borderline OTT in my opinion and could send off worrying vibes to your daughter.

Please hon, it's one thing when we drive ourselves nuts but we have to protect children from it. x