View Full Version : Don't know what to do :(

16-01-13, 01:14
Since Saturday/Sunday I've been getting weird spaced out feeling, at first I thought it was to do with anxiety, but as it's gone on over the days, I don't think it is. I've been reasonably okay today and I haven't noticed it, if it has been happening but just now as I'm just about to go to bed after being on the PC for a couple of hours, I feel dizzy again and unbalanced, but I can stand completely straight. It's not the dizzieness you automatically think of for example everything spinning, but it feels like my head is spinning inside and as if I can feel the world moving, it's freaking me out so much. And I'm so silly I googled the symptoms which someone else had and they also had tinnitus! so now i'm freaking over that.

16-01-13, 06:49
Make sure you're getting enough vitamins and eat probiotic yogurts and drink extra fluids, soups are usually good.
Its normal I'm afraid with anxiety to feel spaced out, but maybe keep a diary to see if there may be a trigger for it.

16-01-13, 22:24
Thanks for your reply AnxiousGal.

I was walking to uni today and as I got inside I could feel my legs getting weaker and weaker, and I literally thought my legs or something will give in.
I had to quickly walk faster and sit down on a seat, and regained myself together.

I've made a Doctors appointment for next week, was it the right thing to do?
I know anxiety can give you every symptom under the sun, but this has scared me.

16-01-13, 22:36
Hi RVP - Anxiety typically makes you feel spaced out, Ive had it tons of times. It feels like my brains just hurting if that makes sense, and all of sudden you feel like your completely unbalanced - sounds to me like anxiety.

Of course you cant rule out your eyes - Could you be studying to hard? Do you wear glasses? I only say this because it happened after Uni and after being on the PC.. could be eye strain.

The most important thing is it isnt life threatening to the point where you need to deal with it now. Youve made a doctors appointment for next week, thats good, it gives you a week to see how they go. Bravo for not going tomorrow - your being sensible and saying 'Ok if theyre still here in a week ill visit the doctors' - Nothing wrong with that :)

Good luck and get plenty of rest

16-01-13, 22:48
Hi, Katie.

Nope, I don't wear glasses, it happened today as I was walking into uni, I hadn't started working.

It just worries me because it's happened everyday, at least once. And of course, worrying or even thinking about it will make it happen again :(

16-01-13, 22:51
In that case its pretty much definitely anxiety; lets put it logically this way, if it was anything serious, it wouldn't happen just by thinking about the pain - it would just be there, right?

Keep the docs appointment anyway but perhaps try delayed worrying - when it happens again, say to yourself 'im busy at the moment; but keep calm, itll go away, and ill deal with it tonight about 7pm' - give it a try, worth a go.
Failing that could be your eyes, have you ever had an eye test?
Sounds daft, but I started to get funny headaches which werent normal and I needed glasses. Not to see, my eyesights fine, but eye strain was causing bad headaches.
You sound like a busy person working and uni, so that will only add pressure! :)

16-01-13, 23:36
Hmm, but I'm not in any kind of pain, it's just my head feels foggy and spaced out and as if I was on a boat, legs feel weak, and today was the worst, when I had to sit down straight away because I literally couldn't feel my legs walking, as soon as i sat down it went.

I could try the delayed worrying, and see how that goes. Will be hard, I panic over the littlest things, which I need sorting out.

17-01-13, 10:29
I sympathise rvp I get it everyday 24/7 I've had bloodtests and doc says its anxiety and I've got to get on with my life easier said than done when hsve constant funny head , so j do symathise hun , just not sure how to help judt wanted to let you know ur not alone.

18-01-13, 05:50
Do you suffer from migraines?
Fluorescent lighting, the types used in most buildings and LCD screens, some people can be sensitive to them.
Sunglasses usually help.