View Full Version : almost certain have ovarian cyst, convinced myself its cancerous!

16-01-13, 02:53
i suffer from HA on and off, i believe it was trigged in 2008 when sadly i had a stillbirth daughter.. i have a phobia of going to the doctors, as i cant get out of my mind how my world was turned upside down when unsuspectingly i went off to the doctors one monday morning for routine appt and she couldnt pick up the heart beat .
i had several scans at the hospital and it was confirmed my baby had died, i had to give birth normally .. it was horrendous, and i now realise it affected me more than i first thought
i went on to have another two early mc and then a darling boy in 2010 .. however i now have a fantasy/fear that im a ticking time bomb just waiting to be told that i have terminal cancer and that i will leave my little boy and teen daughter motherless
im pretty certain i have an ovarian cyst - i had horrendous pain and weird pressure feeling in that area about 2 months ago, my doctor discovered i had shingles in that area and jumped on that dismissing possible cyst. i have had the weird pressure feeling ever since, like something is there that shouldnt be, back and shoulder pain (also symptoms) and it is gradually getting worse, possibly worse ive had today the pain really is unconfortable. but im too scared to go to the doctors as i know i'll be sent for a scan and im convinced they will discover a large mass .. i dont know why im obsessed with cancer in particular, i know i have to bite the bullet and go to the docs, just so scared out of my mind :O .. have also had really bad heartburn, suffer from gerd .. i made the mistake of googling it and read story of a woman who suffered terrible heartburn had ovarian cancer .. her tumour was so big it was pushing everything upwards hence the heartburn, why oh why did i have to go there !!!
as a child i also overheard my mums friend gossiping and telling my mum *they sewed her straight back up, there was nothing they could do, she was riddled* apparently a mutual friend had routine op and it was discovered she was full of cancer, she'd been right as rain and there was no indication she had cancer, i imagine someone saying similar to one of my friends about me .. this HA sucks big time !!!

16-01-13, 21:05

Firstly I'm so sorry to read about your baby daughter I can't even begin to imagine how heartbreakng that must be and I'm not surprised it has affected you deeply, I'm sure it would anyone.

I think I've probably read the same story about the woman with OC as I remember having some period issues along with bad acid reflux/heartburn and I remember reading about a woman who said her heartburn was caused by OC and I was off up the doctors in a flash convinced that's what I had, needless to say it was just hormones playing up and acid relux, a course of tablets cured the acid and as soon a I'd had an examination the periods sorted themselves out, so I know that was my anxiety causing the symptoms.

I don't know about you but my acid is always much worse when I'm anxious and it ends up being a vicious circle, it always calms down when I'm less stressed.

I don't for one minute think you have OC, I don't think the two are even related and it could well be your anxiety causing the pressure and pain.

I would go back to the doctor and ask for an examination to put your mind at rest but even if there was a cyst I'm sure it's harmless and would resolve on its own.

Although you are doubting your doctor it is more than likely the shingles, I know people say the pain from shingles can go on for a very long time even after the rash has cleared.

I know it's hard but go and see your doctor, you need to get this ressurance.

Keep us posted, sending you hugs :hugs: