View Full Version : Recently become so sad and worried but can't work out what is wrong.

16-01-13, 09:27
I have come here because I find people on this site are understanding and helpful so maybe someone today could give me a positive message.

Recently I have had a really bad few weeks.
I have been worrying allot more than I did before. Panicing about things, over worrying, and they were all things which I couldn't do anything about. Such as doing something or saying something. Or outcomes of what could happen. Things like this.
This has made even little things worry me and get me panicked.

My Grandad died 10 days ago, and I don't live at home. I go to Uni and can't easily get back when I want, which means I can't see my mum and Nanny as much as I want at this time. My house mates are good at comforting me and taking my mind of things but times like this when I am by myself I feel sad. I try and think of the good things but at the same time think 'it isn't fair give me him back and make everyone happy again'.
Everyone has go to though this, but this is the first time it has happend to me and don't know what to think.

I also have allot of uni stresses at the moment. We are creating portfolios which need to be as good as possible and I have a constant stream of work.

At this point in time I don't know what to think about, my constant over worrying means I am always scared or panicked about something, my loss has been upsetting and is sinking in more and more, and I need to focus on Uni at the moment to make sure I will get in some where next year.

My brain is all over the place at the moment, I just want someone to give me some advice about getting my head in order and looking for some happiness.

16-01-13, 09:53
Hi Bex,
Not too sure I can give you advice but I can tell you what works for me. Duloxetine, the chatroom and learning to play the keyboard. Duloxetine allows me to function more or less normally, the rest is up to me. I am not advising you to take meds, but maybe consider them. I wish you all the best.


16-01-13, 14:58
Can't you tell student support ? I'm sure if you explained about the loss of your grandad they'd see you needed a break to grieve with your family.
Maybe they can then arrange a bit more time for you to complete your portfolio or something.

If not arrange some time off for you they could maybe find you a counsellor to talk to. It mightn't solve all your problems but unloading everything on your mind on someone can make you feel a bit clearer on things. Verbalising things focuses your mind and may result in you getting a better handle on things for the time being.

Stick your headphones on with your favourite tunes and walk, preferably more of a hike. A few miles with some hills. It'll lift your mood without doubt and clear all of the stress from your blood stream. It'll oxygenate your blood/brain helping clear your head and get a handle on your current issues and portfolio.

Pick up the phone and call your family, long and often.

It's a hard time. It would be for anyone. But you'll get to where you need to get to.