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16-01-13, 10:15
im getting some nasty panic attacks at the moment its all down to drinking over the festive period i just couldnt handle all the social occasions without having a secret drink beforehand , i no the drink really does mess with my mind and yet i still went ahead and did it , im diabetic aswell so it really wasnt the smartest thing to do, on friday i was invited on a fishing trip with some friends and strangers i drank for the whole trip just to keep my nerves in check , i enjoyed the fishing but new sat/sun was gunna be a nightmare sure enough panic set in bigtime . i had a real bad attack out on a walk yesterday which was no fun at all when will i ever learn

17-01-13, 15:52
can anyone relate to this

18-01-13, 06:33
I have been there and got the t-shirt. The only way to overcome this it total abstinence, I would discuss this with your GP as it would be very hard to overcome this problem on your own, you need support. For now I would avoid situations where you may need a drink to give you self confidence.