View Full Version : Hitting low

16-01-13, 14:05
It's not been a good start to this year. I just feel so low and I don't accomplish anything in a day. I can't fall asleep at night and just lay there awake or toss and turn. Then when I do fall asleep I don't wake up for ages. Even if I am rested I just go back to sleep. I missed work this morning and I am not doing any university work. I just feel like crying and want to be alone. This is not right tho.. I just want a big change. Move away and start fresh but I know it's not an answer. How do you guys deal with low moments like this? I don't want to carry on feeling like this :(

16-01-13, 16:19
Hello Nat
You will find lots of lovely people on here willing to give you some ideas about getting through the lows.

First thing I would do is talk to someone about how you're feeling. Have you a friend or family member? Is there any support at Uni? What about your GP - they can refer you for counselling? The Samaritans are absolutely brilliant and not just for people who are suicidal (sorry, don't mean to imply that or upset you, just wasn't sure if you knew) .

You are already on the right path in recognising that things aren't right and wanting to change. Give yourself a big pat on the back for taking the inititative to talk on here. It may not seem much but everyone keeps telling me one small step at a time and I think they're right.

Keep your chin up and look after yourself.

Lots of love from Pigeon:)