View Full Version : Eep! Double glazing salesman visit

16-01-13, 14:08
Hubby and I need a new kitchen window & back door in our house, and as we're having the kitchen renovated this year we thought we may as well go ahead and get some quotes, so they can be done at the same time. I emailed a local firm less than an hour ago, and the owner has just called to ask if he can come in the next few minutes, as he's in the area! I get anxious about people being in the house though, as I worry that it would be rude & embarrassing if I had to ask them to leave. At least him coming so soon means that I haven't had to worry about it for hours/days I suppose... :unsure:

I don't think it will take too long for him to measure up one door & one window, will it...?

16-01-13, 14:17
It won't take him long to measure up. Don't let him get going with his sales patter though, tell him you want a quote and that's it.

I've had a similar thing just happen to me. I can't get out as I'm housebound with agoraphobia and the dentist just rang to see if it was okay for him to come do my check up today. Put me in panic mode so I said no like a wimp. He's coming tomorrow or Monday.

Good for you for saying yes to the man that called you. That's brave as you could easily have said no. Well done!

16-01-13, 14:34
Thanks Bernie. If he starts off on some sale-speak (I hope he won't as I chose them because their website said they didn't use hard sell tactics) I'm preparing myself to say that I can't make a decision without speaking to my husband anyway, so if he could just leave the quote & brochure I'd be grateful.

Good luck with your dentist tomorrow!

16-01-13, 14:36
Good idea and quote him what it says on their website!

You can do this :hugs:

16-01-13, 15:21

having just seen this post it reminded me of the one and only time we were considering having our whole house refurbished which included double glazed windows and two doors.

Every company my wife phoned asked the same question to begin with. "Will your husband be at home when I come over to measure up and give you a quote .I don't mind if it is convenient at 9a.m. or 9.pm" Of coure as you know that was to make sure he concluded a deal with both of us present.
Anyway this chap came round (this is a UK brand name company)and after measuring up which didn't take to long and my wife had decided beforehand the style she wanted, he started his sale pitch.

TWO hours later he was still at it as he started off with a price,then made a so called phone call to his boss, then reduced the price, then made several other phone calls then said as a bonus discount if we put their sign up in the front garden he would make yet a further discount.

That was enough for me and I told him he was insulting our intelligence .He had started at £24k and he was now down to 4.5K. I threw him out and luckily found a local firm through recomendation who quietly and efficently did the work for us with a better product at a cheaper price.

This wasn't meant to alarm you just be cautious :ohmy:

16-01-13, 16:01
Oh Elle-Kay I hope he has been and gone by now. When we got the quote for the drive he stayed 3 hours!!! I was out of my mind by that time and he arrived near tea time so I was feeling ill with lack of food amd then getting anxious as it was getting late and I can't eat late. I really hope yours didn't out stay his welcome!

16-01-13, 16:13
Just to update, the chap has been and gone (he was a bit later than he said he would be, because one of his children is ill I think he said). He only stayed about 20 minutes, and there was no hard-selling whatsoever (what an awful experience you had Ricardo!) - he was very pleasant, courteous and seemed knowledgeable but not pushy at all. He measured up, listened to what I wanted & discussed it with me, offered alternatives (for instance what I want in the living room isn't possible because we're required to have a fire escape, being in a bungalow, so he had to suggest something else for that room) and will email me a price later. Overall I was quite impressed, and even better - I didn't even think for a second about feeling anxious once he arrived :)

16-01-13, 16:33
Really pleased to hear that Elle-Kay, much better than my drive salesman!

16-01-13, 16:40
Really pleased to hear that Elle-Kay, much better than my drive salesman!

Yes, 3 hours is a bit excessive to quote for a driveway isn't it! We had a chap come last week to quote for the other kitchen renovations, who stayed about an hour, but that was because he's the partner of a friend of my mum's, so I know him a little by extension! I didn't complain in any case, as he's rather a handsome chappy :winks:

I think my big challenge will be coping while all these workmen are in doing the jobs, but I'm determined to have it done this year so I will just have to cope and that's all there is to it.

16-01-13, 16:58
I actually found it helped me when the workmen where here as I had to keep making them cups of tea so it kept me busy x