View Full Version : work anxiety

16-01-13, 17:06
I applied for an opening at my job in my own town 10 minutes from home. It is the same position I am in now, but less days a week and so much closer (I currently drive an hour in the morning to work) to home and school. It would be wonderful.

My supervisor was all for it, but just calls me today saying that the corporate office (her bosses) don't want to let me transfer and want to open it up to outside people because the position I am currently in has a lot of turnover. Technically the rules of the company are that you are in your position at least 6 months to transfer. I have been in my position 1 year and 3 months, and have worked for the company 3 years. I have gone through a lot of crap from them with their own drama and done a lot for them. I always have perfect Quality Assurance and annual reviews. I have never had warnings, nothing bad at all.

So I am mad. I am considering looking for another job. The only thing keeping me is that my direct supervisor is still trying for me and has gone out of her way for me a lot. She does this for all of us. I just feel like the corporate level does not respect us at all.

Also found out that the maintenance guy b*tched about me transferring ... who cares what he thinks? He is not my supervisor and has nothing to do with my job. My site manager is ok with it. But now know that coworkers are b*tching behind my back too.

I don't know ... I Am thinking about just quitting ... my fiance gave me the OK to do that if I need to just focus on school/internship but I want money coming in besides student loans.

Wondering what people think ...

16-01-13, 18:01
I think your employer is being very unfair. Are you able to appeal against the decision or ask for your application to be reconsidered?

If you can't come to an agreement, it may be a good idea to start looking for a new job, and once you get a new job offer you can quit.

About 3 years ago when I left my old job (at a different company) one of the women in my team always complained whenever anyone quit their job or moved to a different department. So when it was time for me to announce that I was leaving, I worried that she would say bad things about me too. She didn't say anything in front of me, but during my notice period (I had to give 4 weeks notice that I was leaving) she hardly spoke to me at all and she was very awkward towards me. She didn't even sign my leaving card.

A few weeks before I left the company, I entered a sweepstake (which happened to be organised by this same woman). It was to do with a national reality TV show. A few weeks after I'd left, it turned out that I had won the sweepstake. The woman emailed me to say that she would be dropping my prize off at my new company's reception area. So I replied to say that I'd be happy to meet her at lunchtime and she could give me the prize then. I also asked how things were going back at the old company. But she sent me back a really snotty email to say that she was going to be dropping off the prize at my reception area and I'd have to collect it from there. It was as if she didn't want to see me any more. She also ignored the part of my email where I'd asked her how she was and how things were going at her workplace. So I collected the prize from reception and I never bothered to email her any more and I haven't heard anything from her since.

16-01-13, 18:31
It's frustrating how petty people can be, isn't it? I am going to begin looking for something else I think ... Just getting my resume out there, see if there is anything better ... sick of being pushed around.