View Full Version : CITALPAM

31-08-06, 08:16
i know im on here alot but i feel really scared sometimes i get a strange feeling as they have missed someting im going to die and then the panic is much worse i know people will say think nice thoughts but i find it hard in this state any suggestions. ive had a ecg it was just fast but what really scares me is the heart missing beats and the electric tingling in the arms i have been on citalopam now for 2 weeks and 2 days they worked about 3 years ago 4 me but how long should i give them this time a BIG THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO REPLIES.

m potts

31-08-06, 11:14

It can take up to 6 weeks to start to feel some progress with them, the first few weeks are the worst they have some really bad side effects but i should think that you are over the worst with them.

I took myself off Cipralex beacuse they made me feel really confused, now i wish i hadnt beacuse i have relapsed so bad and need to get back on the tabs, so dont worry soon i will be back on the meds an suffering the same side effects, but please just wait a little longer as you will see the effects, if they have worked for you before then they should be no reason why they wont work again.

Hope you feel good soon!


31-08-06, 11:39

If you have had Citalopram before and it worked for you then it should work again. It is quicker than Fluoxetine but the time it takes to take effect varies in individuals.

You won't die, honest. Not unless a large building falls on you or some other catastrophe occurs:D. I know it feels like you might, but as someone who used to have 5 or 6 major panic attacks a week lasting up to 4 hours each I am still here, and so is everyone I know who ever suffered from anxiety and PAs.

I didn't go mad either, but my family might dispute that!


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

31-08-06, 13:45
Hi potts1,sorry your feeling so down.Im on citalopram.I was on it for years went up to 60mg then back to 40mg.I weaned of them a few months ago for a total of 3 months.After going through the terrible withdrawrels I felt really proud of myself.But within weeks my depression was back my anxiety,and I was very low.I am now back on the citalopram 20 mg.I had horrid side affects going back on them,which took two weeks to settle down.They took about a month to kick in.
I was gutted about having to go back on them after trying to stay off them but I am glad I did.Im still getting the anxiety and panic attacks but the citalopram has helped my depression.
They do take a bit of time before you notice a difference.
Take care

Ellen XX

31-08-06, 19:17
i had the same concerns as you when i went on them. i have been on them now for 9 weeks and the first 4 weeks were rough, esp the first 2, also when i upped the dose. give them time they WILL work stay pos and have a bit of patience and let them do their job, some of us have to take it longer than others to work, i would say that i never seen anything significant till about 6 half-7 weeks in, glad i stuck with em now i was ready to go and change them, give them time.

we are all stronger people after having this