View Full Version : Feeling soo alone in the world :-(

16-01-13, 19:02
I feel soo alone in the world. I feel like just giving up. It just never gets better. :-(

16-01-13, 19:22
Hayley don't ever give up there is life ahead believe me I been down so low I thought life would never start again but it does, just keep going and you wont be alone if you keep talking on here. xxx

16-01-13, 19:26
Thanks lorac... I'm just like feeling frustration like nothing goes right... It's all just getting to me... I keep crying xx

Nicola joannidis
16-01-13, 20:05
Hi you are not alone, please PM me if you ever need a chat xx

16-01-13, 21:34
Hi Hayley,

Sorry you are feeling this way at the moment.

I too suffer with anxiety and depression. I have felt like you are feeling now.

When I am low I have to try and remind myself that the feelings will pass. I just try to not get into the negative mindset. It is not easy I know but try and focus on something positive even if it's just watching a funny film, doing a crossword. Just anything to stop concerntrating on the negatives.

You are not alone and you are stronger than you think.