View Full Version : Does everyone have anxiety because of a certian fear?

16-01-13, 21:01
Or just stressed? Just want to know!

16-01-13, 21:05
I think it is the fear of fear or the 'what ifs' in life Anxiety is a lot more complex than 'just stress' and can be triggered from a number of different circumstances or sometimes for no known reason.

16-01-13, 22:25
Fear of being sick.

16-01-13, 23:55
I had a b12 deficiency which gave me numbness down my left side quite often, I would lay in bed at night, numb, thinking I was about to die ie stroke, that's where mine started, it's had many streams of offsets since then and became a disease I guess. I'm just sorry I didn't get help sooner. I think I developed a health anxiety, then a fear of dying, and it spiralled from there.

17-01-13, 03:28
Many have more general anxiety, others have compulsions or phobias.

The brain chemicals at work are the same, so a panic attack will feel much the same whatever the cause.

17-01-13, 06:08
I have general anxiety, but also fear having a panic attack, which is why I monitor my body constantly for any negative physiological changes.