View Full Version : scared ive got angina

anx mum
16-01-13, 21:13
Plz help im so scared had chest pains for about 2 months now after having my gallbladder out. A week later started getting twinges in my left arm. then i had consent pain in left arm also pins and needles and like a dead arm been to my doctors there saying ive got a trapped nerve but im worried ive got angina how would i know if i had angina cos an ecg dosent show it up im so scared:weep: can someone plz help

16-01-13, 21:20
This is the NHS website page on it for you:


16-01-13, 21:25
Blood tests and urine tests would give some indication of angina as would an ECG. If the doctor thought there may be a chance of you have having angina they would send you for further tests. I think the chest pains could be anxiety from having your gall bladder out. I had pains in my shoulders after I had my gall bladder out but it was because you get a lot of trapped wind for a while after.

anx mum
16-01-13, 21:38
Thanks nicola

16-01-13, 21:51
I have had angina. The pain differs from from person to person, mine was a crushing
pain in my chest like i had been running in frosty weather and could not get my breath. My GP new what it was straight away, and gave me a spray and tablets to put under my tongue. The pain was agonising,and I could not move untill i had the
meds. i agree what Annie says. If in doupt you can always have a second opinion
from another GP in your practice

anx mum
17-01-13, 20:58
Thank u. Ive had a horrible day today my arm has been so painful as soon as i woke up. Docs r saying its muscular or a nerve pain would it be this painful? What tests would i need if it were angina? Ive been in tears most of today cant cope no more its been nearly 3 months

17-01-13, 21:08
I have a lot of pain in my right arm but have decided it is because I spend so much time typing on the computer. My husband has pain in his left arm and as he has heart problems I was concerned but the doctor said it is frozen shoulder, even though he feels it right down his arm. He has been to physio for it.

anx mum
17-01-13, 21:11
Im so scared annie do u think pain would be there all the time cos mine is. Painkillers just take edge off im 33 but said i was too young for a stress test which tells u if u have angina before my arm had pain in chest, chest still hurts but not as much as arm

17-01-13, 21:19
It is probably muscular, can you lift your arm up above your head?

anx mum
17-01-13, 21:34
yeah been put on tramadol today so see if that makes a difference

17-01-13, 21:37
Tramadol should get rid of the pain. It may make you feel sleepy too. x

anx mum
17-01-13, 21:55
Do u think my doc would do an echo if i asked?

17-01-13, 22:09
You can ask him but if he says no, just take it as reassurance. You are not displaying any other symptoms and also it would be very rare at your age so I am sure it is not angina and I don't think an echo would be necessary. If your doctor thought there was any chance it could be angina he would have sent you for more tests. I get really bad chest pains and muscle aches but I know it is anxiety. xx

17-01-13, 22:23
I have chest pain all the time aswell scares me stiff sends my anxiety threw the roof I worry because my dad has had 3 heart attacks suffers with angina and had heart diesease so I feel I'm at risk but my doctor just shrugs me off says its in my head xx

17-01-13, 22:24
I'm right up in that boat too, everyday I'll experience bouts of pressure in chest, weird sensation in my left arm, and very sharp burning pains on my left side of the chest, but also on the right side, and mild pains in where the ribs join the sternum. This of course freaks me out, as I think it must be Angina, however, the so called pressure is from gas trapped in the esophagous, and the pains I get them throughout my body mainly, it is just that I tend to focus only on those that happen on the left side of my chest. In any case, from what I understand Angina feels like someone is crushing you chest, which is why I know that the discomfort I feel is from Gas, and that the muscle pain are from muscle spams due to anxiety. Something else I hate is when my throat goes into spasms, it seems as if I wouldn't be able to breathe, and sometimes I get very sharp pains inside my throat, again, all part of anxiety.

I had an EKG done, and also wore a Holter for 24 hours, and neither one of them revealed anything, so if you are still scared and have gotten the EKG, remember that Coronary Artery Disease causes major electrical changes to the heart, and most likely will be picked up by an EKG.

17-01-13, 22:57
I don't think an echo will detect angina though

18-01-13, 12:14
I don't think an echo will detect angina though

An echo can't detect angina but it can show if the blood flow through the heart has been slowed or interrupted which could cause angina.

So in some cases it could point to angina being the cause. But if you are a young healthly person I would agree with others and say it is a muscluar problem.

anx mum
18-01-13, 21:52
What another awful day had a long chat with my doc today told her i was scared i had angina she told me an ecg dosent also show angina up. She did say angina comes and goes with pain in arm in chest and mine has been pretty constant tramadol has been a godsend for my pain but does make me very drowsy. My arm is still worrying me as well as pain im getting pins and needles my doc reakons its frozen shoulder or some sort of nerve damage anyone had anything similar

18-01-13, 22:00
I mentioned earlier in this thread that my husband has frozen shoulder. He didn't think it was his shoulder as the pain is further down his arm but the physio confirmed that it is frozen shoulder.

---------- Post added at 22:00 ---------- Previous post was at 21:58 ----------

Does it hurt if you lift your arm above your head?

anx mum
18-01-13, 22:13
Was he in alot of pain with it did he have pins and needles aswell?

18-01-13, 22:20
He has a lot of pain in it, finds it hard to move it and gets pins and needles if he lies on it. He puts heat cream on it to try to ease the pain. He cannot lift his arm up above his head. He is also taking Glucosamine 1500 and is starting to feel better since taking them. He said you need to take them for about 4 month to see any really improvement.

anx mum
19-01-13, 21:05
Hi annie thank u for your reply been abit calmer today. Tramadol is helping with the pain not taking it away it hurts when u touch it feel very drowsy but i am on alot of meds. Doc has arranged for me to have an injection asap as she thinks its frozen shoulder.