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16-01-13, 22:43
For past 3 months I have been having constant lightheadness and now I'm having tingles and pins and needles in hands on legs shud I be worried about possible brain tumour..do I need to go a and e

16-01-13, 22:45
No need to go to a & e hun, trust me you'd know and wouldn't be posting on here! ;-)

Book a docs appointment - lightheadedness and pins & needles could be absolutely anything, the possibilities are endless; anxiety, stress, blood pressure, low sugar etc - anything. Theyll probably arrange a blood test to put you at ease. Try and think if anything has changed in the last 3 months - more stress, change in diet etc?

Quick trip to the docs will sort it :-)

16-01-13, 23:11
Done bloodtests she says nothing is wrong.

16-01-13, 23:12
I felt dizzy for about 2 years on and off

The tingles and pins and needles is usually incorrect breathing so have a read at the pages on the left on how to do correct abdominal breathing.

16-01-13, 23:15
And to get on with my life

16-01-13, 23:42
Certainly sort out the breathing and it will correct a lot of these problems

18-01-13, 05:56
get your b12, iron and thyroid checked.
Over breathing can cause those symptoms, as can going too long without eating and being dehydrated, or low on b12 or iron.

I don't mean this to be nasty, but if you go to the ER with feeling lightheaded and pins and needles they won't take you seriously. They may do tests if they aren't busy.

You'd be better off going to a 24 hour doctor or some sort of walk in clinic than the ER, if you felt you really had to go.
In the mean time pop down your own own doctor and tell him/her about your symptoms.