View Full Version : Sick of myself

17-01-13, 00:47

I'm Lisa and I suffer from Depression, low self esteem and anxiety I guess. I have been on medication for depression on and off for 12 years. Currently on Duloxetine (Fluoxitine for 10 year, Mirtazapine for a few months - yuk!).

I have had many bouts of therapy - normally CBT - but they only help while they're happening - which on the NHS is 6-9 sessions and I can't afford to pay.

I am currently in a different kind of therapy - no idea what it's called - basically a psychotherapist sits mainly silently in a room sometimes saying "what about the relationship within the room?" Or "I think you're angry with your father". If anyone knows what this kind is called please tell me!

Anyway - I found this site by googling "Why do I get wound up so easily"!

I think I really need my therapy session tomorrow. I got in a right strop with my boyfriend for trying to help but with stupid pointless non helping suggestions. I want to hit people when they do that "Oh, I'm sure it'll be alright" when it's about something they can have no way of knowing if it will be alright - what a stupid pointless annoying thing to say. And I am angry and over-tired and sick of making lists I'll never get to the end of and sick of triple booking every day to try and please everyone and sick of myself and my stupid brain. GAHHHHHHH. Bed time I think.

Glad to be here - please say hi. I'm sure I will post more soon. x

17-01-13, 01:07
Hi typolisa

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-01-13, 07:15
Hi Lisa,
Welcome to the site. I am on Duloxetine too and it is really helping me. I still get lows but they are manageable. I wish you all the best.


17-01-13, 20:03
Hi Lisa, welcome to the forum.

18-01-13, 16:16
just pm'd you xx