View Full Version : Twitching in chest or something? Help needed

17-01-13, 07:12

I have been so much better with my anxiety for over a month now but had the worst night ever. At about 2am whilst sleeping I woke up to twitching/spasms in the left side of my chest. It lasted maybe 20-30 seconds. I tried to feel my heart which I think was beating normal as put my fingers on pulse. I have not had this for ages and never for that long. I used to get it randomly around the body. I googled thinking it would say it's anxiety but instead because got results saying it's rarely anxiety and usually something to do with the brain. I'm crying and so worried. All this is starting again and I won't be able to handle it again. Anyone please help.

17-01-13, 07:24
Hi wilous,

Please please don't cry - don't let this take over you, easier said than done i know!!

On November 1st I had my worst panic attack ever, I mean EVER. Started at 9am randomly for no reason, and lasted through till I finally could take no more and got up at 6am. I slept for 20mins, then would wake up, check my pulse and my chest was so tight I was petrified.

I know how it feels - but you mustn't trust Dr google. If you type in 'pain' and ANYWERE in the body... Google will tell you something sinister, I promise you.

It's a panic attack, albeit a very frightening one by the sound of it :-(
If this were serious, you wouldn't self diagnose this as your anxiety.. Which you have said yourself, so you know it's your anxiety hun.

Take a look at my other tab 'A little help maybe?' Has
A few tips like delayed worrying which is pretty useful, try & do anything today which distracts you. You will get through today I promise!

Keep strong xx

---------- Post added at 07:24 ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 ----------

P.s: your main concern will be 'if its anxiety, why now? I've been fine??' - classic case I'm afraid, you had a normal albeit funny twinge which your body mistook for something else!

17-01-13, 07:39
Thank you Katie. There was no pain at all and my breathing seemed okay so could it still be a panic attack? I was fine straight after as well. Thank you for your tips. I have just taken a diazepam which I haven't done for ages but it always helps. Last year I was getting eyelid twinge plus spasms everywhere but got over it which should assure me but I was silly enough to read Google. Sean

17-01-13, 07:45
Funniy enough I never had be breathing dificulties much in a panic attack, I have chest pain mostly so I can relate. Good for you, you've calmed yourself enough to know its an attack. You'll get there :-)

P.s if it was anything life threatening you wouldn't have gone back to sleep.. Promise!

17-01-13, 08:39
Thanks Katie. Yesterday friend at 34 died of a sudden heart issue and it was all over local paper. Now I'm feeling everything in chest. Am trying to assure myself it's not my heart or anything

17-01-13, 08:45
Common cause the flare up again, I accidently caught the end of Eastenders the other week where Derek had a heart attack, ruined my day. I know your pain!