View Full Version : so scared

17-01-13, 09:11
I have been so scared since tuesday... Before then i thought i was doing greay until i have to drive the kids to school and as i got closer to the school yhe road were really icy and covered in snow.... I dont like driving at the best of times but i refuse to drive in the snow, anyway it was either drive in it or walk a mile or so home so anyway when i dropped kids off at school i was shaking and so scared and kept having hot flushes, tuesday night i started having pains in my left arm (praps i was tensing when driving and pulled something) all i have thought since then is ''im going to have a heart attack''

And now i am freaking out more it is snowing like hell where i live and all that keeps going through my head is ''if i have a heart attack and call 999 they wont be able to get to me cos of the snow'' writing this down now i know its silly but i just cant get it out of my head.

As im sat here i can feel my left arm hurting my hubby recons its because im on my phone a lot using dr google lol hense causing slight rsi in my arm, but me as i do i think its something serious i did have a ecg and blood works done in july and every came back fine again i thought i was having heart trouble but they couldnt find anything.

I just feel such a mess at the mo ive only had anxiety a year since my nan passed away in dec 2011 due to a tragic death but i really thought i was geting back on track until tues :( :(

Sorry for the moaning post i juat have to write it down and tell someone

17-01-13, 10:02
Awe u sound just like me :( Its the the way I think I constantly think what if I pass out and no one will find me what will happen to my 2 year old running around that's not normal behaviour an it scares the crap out of me that I constantly think it. I to hate driving but I try to do it it's either that or I would be housebound r u scared to stay on ure own? I constantly have to have someone with me I sometimes feel like a big kid :0 very annoying sorry ure going thru tough time but am so glad am not alone x

17-01-13, 10:15
Omg I'm so glad its not just me! I am scared to b on my own but my hubby works so I normally sit here and panic myself until he gets home, I also worry about what happens if I pass out as my kids are 3 and 7 its so hard! Like I said I thought I was getting better until Tues :( I bought a book called "at last a life" until I started reading that I was near enough housebound and sat here a nervous wreck all day every day but since reading that I would say 4 days out of 7 I'm not to bad..... Hopefully this is just a set back and I'm not going to have a heart attack, that sounds so stupid but its how I feel, I've had the pain since Tues so its got to be a muscle but my head won't believe it lol bloody anxiety lol