View Full Version : 24/7 lightheadness can't be normal

17-01-13, 10:07
Help I've never suffered from anxiety before which is what everyone is telling me inhave.
But is fuzzy weird head 24/ for 4 months normal I'm getting scared, people say trybtomrelax I am but its still there msybe I shud be admitted to the nut wardv they might help me then.nim now gettin pins and needles in my handd and feet constantly.

17-01-13, 10:22
Its a common thing in anxiety I've had a weird head for a yr now light headed, spaced out and like I'm in a dream world. I also get the pins and needles and tingling in my hands feet, arms, chest, legs. Apparently its normal it does get you down tho. I don't take anything for it as I don't like taking meds, I just try to ignore it, even tho most days cant. Sorry I can't help anymore :)

17-01-13, 10:32
Hi mossy just nice to know I'm not alone does it make you dizzy sometimes as well jve been told by my dr to just live with it and relax hmmmm easier said than done.

17-01-13, 10:47
Yeah I know my doc told me I need to get out mpre , I was like well I can't cos I feel Ill all the time and he said once you start getting out you will be fine. I was like OK and left I have never been back about anxiety, he wasn't very nice and made me feel like a kid.