View Full Version : anybody taken antidepressants whilst pregnant ?

17-01-13, 11:37
Hi I am wondering if anybody has taken antidepressants whilst pregnant ? Whilst I am not pregnant and just thinking about the future and am interested in this.

Have tried to come off tablets in the past very very slowly did not get withdrawals but the anxiety and depression returned about 3-4 weeks after being off medication. I know that most people say you would need to discuss it with your GP and the benefits outweigh the risks in most situations. I know the safest thing would be not to be on any medication at all but realise for some people this is not possible as we rely on this to keep us well.

I would be interested to hear from anybody who took medication whilst pregnant and did you have any problems and did this affect the baby after birth ? Or perhaps you know somebody that did ?


17-01-13, 12:16
Hi there
I was on citalopram when preg and was fine. I came off them for my first pregnancy and didnt cope well so stayed on for second. doc said a lot of pregnant women stay on them

17-01-13, 15:58
Thank you Bab for your reply.

17-01-13, 20:41
I was also on Citalopram when I was pregnant right from the start to the end of my pregnancy and the day my little boy was born my anxiety just lifted (:

Good luck for those future babies Coco.

18-01-13, 07:29
My only mistake was I felt to well I came off my pills too soon and had to go back on them a couple of months later, I also had to bottle feed my little boy and he used to cry such a lot but the doctors wern't concerned about him at all.

18-01-13, 19:19
Thanks Karen P xxx