View Full Version : It can't be nothing.. 'symptoms'

Anxious lu
17-01-13, 11:40
I don't understand how anxiety can cause symptoms.. I know why I is supposed to but it doesn't make sense to me how some days I am fine and other ill have:

Heart palpitations
Sparatical twitching
Pins and needles
Acid reflux
Dizziness (and more)

I do not feel anxious or stressed however I have woken with a twitch in my ankle but I get them all over on and off for days or are without them
For days.. I just can't get it out of me was that it's not caused by something else..!!

I know I have had thorough tests bloods, ECG, MRI and the rest but. Really is anxiety isn't present it surely can't have these effects on me..

I am to see a neuro following my MRI but missed the appointment so need to wait for another.. I was assured it is routine follow up and my doctors said my results show no abnormalities and then was old by someone else jw as referred due to my migraines..

Because I am finding it hard to belive anxiety fuels all these symptoms I am funding hard to believe that I am okay!

Fed up of it all...

17-01-13, 12:45
Think about what you said for a moment - if you "can't get it out of your head" that your symptoms are all due to anxiety, even after having had lots of medical tests then that, in itself, is anxiety.

Also, anxiety sufferers often find themselves monitoring themselves all the time for symptoms, even if they do not "feel" particularly anxious. Does that sound like you?

If so, try to remember that people without anxiety get exactly the same symptoms from time to time but don't dwell on them. It makes a big difference.

17-01-13, 12:59
Hi Lucy.

Heart palpitations Anxiety
Sparatical twitching Anxiety
Pins and needles Anxiety
Tremors Anxiety
Headaches Anxiety
Acid reflux Anxiety
Dizziness (and more) Anxiety

As Brunette said your anxiety is fueling all the feeling you are having. Your young, you have had a batch of tests and at the moment you are in a time of your life when you are going to maybe struggle a bit with all the studying you are doing at uni.

Lucy have alook at this book I have mentioned it before to you http://www.amazon.com/Divided-Mind-Epidemic-Mindbody-Disorders/dp/0061174300 or check out the youtube video for it
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDyI59gkMhE if you are interested let me know and I will sort you :winks:

17-01-13, 13:37
Hi Lucy I've pretty much got the same symptoms as you and I'm worried about it. Had a blood test for something completely different which was fine but I don't know if any neuron problems would show in a blood test.

17-01-13, 13:47
Have you read this page...


The first part particularly