View Full Version : Worried about pelvic ultrasound next week

17-01-13, 15:21
I went to see my gp last week and she referred me to get an ultrasound as i've been getting pain near my right ovary. She said it could be endo or ovarian cyst. I am worried though as i've already got a letter through with an appointment for next week. So now i'm thinking the doctor thinks it could be cancer and thats why i've got an appointment so quick. I am going out of my
mind thinking the worst. The thing is the pain hasnt been that bad as i've not really been thinking about it the past few days. Please help! I'm really worried. Am i just being a typical HA sufferer?!

17-01-13, 15:27
I found that gynea appointments come through very quickly at the hospital I go to which is a massive one that you have probably heard of called Addenbrookes in Cambridge.

When I went for my hysteroscopy I was the only person they had seen that day for any sort of procedure like I was having!

So yours could be the same and not very busy!

17-01-13, 15:50
Our hospital is also quite quick at providing appointments for any sort of scan (x-ray, ultrasound, CT etc.) as A. they're quick procedures, so they can squeeze a lot in per day, and B. they do long clinics every day (e.g. 9am to 9pm), again to fit in as many as they possibly can.

17-01-13, 16:44
I think i'm just panicking. I remember asking her how long it would be and all she said was 2-3 weeks. She didnt seem concerned just said she wanted to see if anything was going on. I'm terrible with things like this. I just go in to panic mode. Thank u all for your replies. You have really helped me calm down

17-01-13, 18:42
Hiya, Just thought I would say I agree with the others! I've had pelvic U/S's sooo many times (had ectopics and IVF). They're so quick which is why you're seen soon - kind of like going for a blood test at the hospital really. Also, its absolutely painless - just a bit undignified!!! :-)


17-01-13, 20:41
I've had LOADS of abdominal ultrasounds, external ones and internal ones. I was first sent for one when Doctor felt something and they found an 8cm cyst on my ovary. I was terrified but it was endometriosis. Yours sounds like it could be that. They can normally see on the scan if it looks suspicious, I was sent for mine within days, and it was nothing worrying xx