View Full Version : Lindy05

17-01-13, 17:08
Thought was going to have a breakdown two days ago, hubby had to come home from work and been by my side since. My panic attacks come from a fearful thought. I feel guilty about everything and rubbish at everything. Well that's how it has got...... most small tasks have become unmanageable. Not quite as many tears today, have a doctors appointment Monday and a very small does of 3mg dizmazaphram helps. Alcohol has made things worse of late and I know it's not the answer as this makes my thoughts 10 times worse and is now making me extremely horrible. I am not this person just my husband is worried and says at the moment he feels I am very delicate.

17-01-13, 17:21
Hi Lindy05

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-01-13, 18:09
Hi Lindy, sorry you are going through such a bad time at the moment. I hope your doctor can help you with medication and maybe some therapy? You are right alcohol does not help, in fact it makes you worse. I am sure you will get lots of support here. x

Daisy Sue
17-01-13, 18:56
hi Lindy05, i'm also a newbie here today. just wanted to say hello, and well done on joining this forum... from what i've seen in the short time i've been here, it's an amazing place for people suffering any form of anxiety & life wobbles. :)

17-01-13, 19:53
Hi and :welcome:

17-01-13, 20:02
Hello and welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find all the support you need here, as I have.

18-01-13, 16:24
sounds like overload to me...don't try and do what you can't, try and do a few things you like to do even if its listen to classical music or have a massage, drink lots of mineral water and eat some chocolate and bananas, watch comedy, don't panic about going mad you are sounding very sane just very stressed, if you have a pet just sit quietly and stroke it, its supposed to lower the blood pressure plus the pet will like it, please don't feel rubbish i'll bet your a great person xx

18-01-13, 16:43
Hi Lindy,

Hope you're feeling ok today. I'm glad you have the support of your husband - he sounds lovely :)

Panic attacks are horrible scary things - I know the feelings of guilt and feeling rubbish and then you get overwhelmed and everything seems too much. I hope you can take some time out and relax, you're doing really well :). Making a Dr appointment is so hard - glad you've managed it. Take some time out if you can.

Alcohol isn't the answer - but don't beat yourself up over it. Try to drink less if it doesn't help. I think you are delicate right now. Be kind to yourself :)

We're all here for you - and understand. xxx
