View Full Version : Does this mean ive a sinus infection?

31-08-06, 09:14
I have chronic sinusitis, been suffering for yrs on & off but esp the last 2 months, dr has put me on a steroid spray a month ago which helps but today my eyebrow is hurting when I touch it and I have pain in my ear on the left side.

Worrying now that its turned into an infection and that I will get meningitis. Seeing my GP tomorrow for my blood results, its not the GP I saw about my sinuses and who told me to come back in a month but shoudl I see this GP who I see about my anxiety etc.... about my sinuses too? worried he won' t take me seriously, none of them did other than the other GP, the other 2 said it was nothing.

31-08-06, 19:46
Plrase find a therapist who can give you a thermo-auricular therapy treatment. That will sort your sinus problem out.
If you need more help PM me.

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.

31-08-06, 23:08
Hiya hun
I was goin to post a similar topic regarding how concerned I am about going to the docs, reading out a list of symptoms and worrying I won't be taken seriously. It does really worry me going to the docs now cos I think the more I go , the more they'll think 'oh anxiety patient, 'hypochondria''. Then if there ever were something seriously wrong, they'd dismiss it... i really do understand, I find it very scary and feel myself losing trust in the docs because of it, which of course only feeds the HA.
Really, I think what we have to do is go in there and say 'look, I have these symptoms, they are very real, I know sometimes I worry over 'silly' things but, although I have this awful anxiety which often clouds my vision, these things I am feeling are very real' and so on...
I don't know about you but actually my usual doc who I see is excellent and very understanding but I still have these worries. Makes you feel very alone sometimes:(
I know this probably hasn't helped much but I just wanted to let you know that I know how you feel, have loads of health worries at the mo, too.
Probably a bit of advice I should take myself, but remember you are young and there is no real reason why you should be seriously ill, so try not to worry.
I know it's hard to think straight. PM me anytime.

Love Carlyxx

31-08-06, 23:09
This is not how meningitis starts.

That is completely different and a completely different virus.

You won't get that.


01-09-06, 07:44
HI Thanks Carly and Nicola,

From what ive read about chronic sinusitis there is a risk be it rare but there is a risk of mengintis:-( so it scares me to death everytime I get sinus pain.

Thanks for your support, its so hard going to the drs and being taken seriously.