View Full Version : Hi from Me

31-08-06, 11:40
Hi All

I'm a bit of a mess, but am doing my best to hide it from all but a few close people. I had a bit of an OCD and anxiety from the late 80s, which then got worse and led to PAs on and off for years until I realised what they were. I sorted them out via good pills and a few personal changes, THEN depression kicked in and after some temporary pill-induced relief I've been sinking most of this year.

Enough for now. Do you do depression here?


PS the name is NOT a reference to nose-growing activities or the desire to be "real". Just my SOH at work.

31-08-06, 13:01

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

31-08-06, 13:20
Hi Im also a new member.I suffer from anxiety panic attacks and depression to.you are not alone.This site is really helpfull and there are lovely people here.
I have been suffering for the last 10 years or more.
Im sure you will find some good advice on here I know I have already.

Ellen XX

31-08-06, 14:02
Hi :D

Welcome to the site, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



31-08-06, 14:03
we do everything here, just say how you feel


31-08-06, 14:50
Thanks everyone. I'm thinking already that the forum name "Depression from Panic/Anxiety" may be relevant to me. I thought I'd kicked P/A out, but maybe it's come in via the D door.

Ah well, time for more self-analysis and internal circular argument, but at last somewhere I can say it aloud when I want!

It's not just me who has no bloomin' reason to be depressed is it? I mean, everything meaningful in my life is good! I've been over everything and nothing sticks out - apart from what bugs many people to some degree (aging, grown-up children, no career progression) - which I don't think are good reasons.

Yet my thoughts are weighted down by heavy greyness, like my head is filling with cement and I am negative about everything.

31-08-06, 16:19

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


polly daydream
31-08-06, 17:52
Hi Pinocchio and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


31-08-06, 17:58
Hi Pinocchio

Welcome to the forum, you will find this site really useful in providing information.


31-08-06, 20:04
hi pinocchio,

I totally understand what you mean about the depression. i too hide it from people and generally act very upbeat and fine superficially when usually i am squirming with insecurities and feeling like poo. :(

I also have no idea why i'm depressed because everything in my life is good, I am far luckier than some people, yet i am still plagued with feelings of depression , anxiety and hopelessness at times. Maybe we're just stuck in this mentality due to habit?! I don't know but I know this forum is a good place to chat.

su x

31-08-06, 20:28
Hi Pinocchio

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

With regard to "do we do depression here"...... I specificially titled it in relation to panic/anxiety as we are not experts in clinically depressed people and think they they will find better support and advice on the many other forums that are out there.

I think most of us have suffered some form of depression that goes hand-in-hand with panic and anxiety and we can all help with that.

Hope that helps.


31-08-06, 21:46
Lovely welcome everyone, and thanks again.

I'm pretty rational about the whole business. Now! Much of the trouble was admitting it and avoiding the doc. as it was something I should be able to deal with on my own. Well I couldn't, but now accept my troubles are all to do with chemical imbalances and are nothing to do with inner strength and the like. A few molecules are out of balance, is all.

It's a start, anyway. Now I just need to fix it.

I accept the cyclical nature of mood, but need to raise my threshold back to where it was. I can see the wiggly line on the chart!

Hmmm, I'd better start posting in the proper threads instead of hi-jacking the Introduction one.

01-09-06, 05:58
Hi Pinocchio

Welcome to the forum (",)

Take care

Clare :)

Obstacles are those horrible things you see when you take your mind off your goals (",)