View Full Version : Carpal Tunnel? Reassurance needed please.

17-01-13, 23:13
So it started in late November, and I had a bad habit of cracking most bones in my body, and this included my wrists. So I cracked my right wrist, and I instantly knew that something was wrong. Nerves hurt, front of my hand turned red. I wore an ace bandage since then to keep it from moving. Ice was put on it as well.

Unfortunate thing is, I was not able to make a doc's appointment until the other day, for the 29th of this month, because I didn't get my insurance until December 1st.

At the moment, my hand hurts, but only my ring finger hurts [yesterday I accidentally put a ring on too small and it may have irritated the nerve?]. Earlier, my arm felt very weak but it subsided for the time being. I'm nervous it may be carpal tunnel, and to get surgery freaks me out since I went months without seeing anyone about it.. You think I'd have to get surgery?

Note, I have gone to the hospital twice in December and expressed my concerns, but they did not check it because they were unable to check my nerves, as I thought it was that and I still do. I am always using a computer and on my iPod, but since I cracked my right wrist, I've had bad anxiety attacks with occasional pain in the wrist. It has felt weak or has hurt, but never numb. And again, I've been wearing an ace bandage since this incident happened to avoid moving my wrist too much.

17-01-13, 23:24
It could be CTS and surgery is not always necessary.

You need to get nerve conduction tests done to help diagnose it.

17-01-13, 23:30
Yes, I would say definitely see a doctor about it, but don't worry as CTS is not life-threatening or anything and doesn't always require surgery. I would advise you to not do the things that irritate it (like being on the computer or your iPod or cracking your joints). You definitely want to rest it until you get the chance to see a doctor!

18-01-13, 01:50
They probably will do nerve testing. I get shooting pains throughout my body of what I suspect to be my nerves, started getting them since I cracked my right wrist. Like in my right hip, both hands, legs. But of what I described, could it possibly be CT? I know you may not know for sure, but just a little assurance is nice so I don't worry so much til the 29th.

Edit: Tigerlark, thank you so much! After I cracked my wrist, it was literally a wake up call to stop cracking my joints. Haven't cracked them in two months, and I've been cracking for as long as I remember. And I hope I don't have to get surgery. I feel like it would just feed my anxiety, you know?

---------- Post added at 01:50 ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 ----------

Also, more symptoms; my knuckles seem to be sticking out a tad more than usual.. Idk if it's me or if there's something wrong with em. My hand seems a tad swollen as well, and the pain radiates up my arm. Should I call the doctor to try and see if I can get in earlier, or does this not seem so serious? It just worries me because I've had so many issues the past few months and it's drivin' me crazy. :(