View Full Version : Shaking/ tremor in hands

Maddis mum
18-01-13, 01:40
I have been on prozac for just under 5 weeks and My hands shake. It's like a tremor. When I try to do anything or make a drink etc my hands shake so bad. Did anyone else get this and did it go away?

Maddis mum
19-01-13, 00:21

19-01-13, 00:30
Sorry never had this with Prozac - maybe ask your doctor about it or it could be a coincidence

19-01-13, 10:08
I get the shakes not just in my hands but legs also. I take a benzo when it gets really bad to take the edge off. How is your day today? X

19-01-13, 11:09
I feel like this and when shakes are really bad I can't keep my head still and I am all shaking.:weep: It is really horrible sensation.

Maddis mum
20-01-13, 02:28
Penguin my day was pretty average. Today seems a bit better. Still have the shaking hands and a feeling of nervousness and fear but the depression was not so bad today. How are you doing?