View Full Version : wedding worries

31-08-06, 12:56
Hi there,

Can anyone here help me, i suffer from panic attacks and im getting married in 16 days, Im so happy that i will be getting married but the thought of it absolutely terrifies me, so much so that ive started getting panic attacks almost everyday when i think about it. Im so worried about panicking during the ceremony that im worried about worrying if that makes sense [:I] As its a catholic wedding its going to last for about an hour. The thought of being at the front of the church with everyone watching me is terrifying me!![V]

Has anyone got any advice??

31-08-06, 13:55
I was exactly the same when i got married last month.

You dont even need to worry, or give it a second thought as believe me on the day you are so wrapped up in the excitment and atmosphere that panic doesnt get a chance to raise its head.

All you will feel is general butterflies at seeing your intended and then for the rest you will just smile the day away.

I promise you.

Have a lovely day xxx

Hay x

31-08-06, 14:03
Got to agree with hayles here!!! When I got married I was worried about my panic attacks but I told the registrar that I suffered from them and everyone was really kind to me and you will be so busy enjoying your day like hayles said that you just wont panic!!! When you are at the front of the church your guests will be behind and you will be so busy looking at your new hubby you wont be aware of them!!! So relax enjoy and CONGRATULATIONS!!! Let us know how it goes best wishes kaz x

31-08-06, 14:28
Thanks for your replies Kazzie and Hayles :D I will try my hardest to relax, Mind you just knowing that my husband to be will be next to me will help an awful lot, hes usually the one to calm me down when i get a bit panicky :) haha

02-09-06, 09:40
Hi there, yes, been there done that and know exactly what you are feeling right now. I won't say that you won't feel anxious, I suffer from panic - have done for years but instead of feeling panicy I would say I felt nervous which ALL brides feel. I was absolutely certain that getting married was what I wanted to do that a sense of determination came over me, nothing, not even panic was going to stop me from marrying my lovely man!! (ahhhh). And so I did, and the day went by in a haze and it was absolutely fantastic!! I found acupuncture helped with the pre-wedding nerves, it's not too late to book an appointment.

Remember: everyone at your wedding is there because they love you and want to SUPPORT you. They are on your side, you have all their support - you will feel it the minute you step into the church. Have FAB day and just go with the flow - it's amazing!! XX

06-09-06, 11:48

I know just how you feel. I got married 17 months ago and had loads of attacks leading up to the wedding. But I can honestly tell you that I was the calmest person on the big day. I was totally and utterly amazed. But the adrenalin, I think worked in a different way as I was so excited. I would never have believed I would have got through it.

Loads of people commented that they were the calmest they had seem me. In fact it was my husbands hands who were so sweaty that I could hardly get his ring on lol. Everyone said he was pale before I came in. Me and my mum often laugh as she had a panic attack on the day. I have a great photo of the two of us, where I'm saying to her, I'm the one meant to be panicking not you. Everyone says it's one of the nicest photos as we're both smiling. If only they knew the true story.

Even my maid of honour was flapping when one of the cars was late but I just told her not to worry as nothing could happen until I got to the church. She couldn't believe my calmness. So even if you do feel a bit jittery, but I'm sure you won't, just think you won't be the only one.

All the best and have a wonderful day.


I would recommend a glass of champagne or so just before hand though.


06-09-06, 21:25
I had a bacardi and coke in the car and my Dad had a neat whiskey, I don't know who was more nervous!! I also found out later that my hubby to be thought I was going to do a runner during the service and that he was relieved that I turned up at all!! We laugh about it now as we had a fab wedding and there was no way on earth I was not going to turn up, I gave my dad and best freind strict instructions to get me up the aisle any way necessary!! As it was, I walked up the aisle and the rest as they say, is history... aaahhh!

07-09-06, 18:51
My friend got married the other day and i think i did more worrying for him than he did himself on the big day!!! He got some diazepam for it to see him though with his nerves. I bet i panic myself into oblivion when i get married too, i am soooo excited to get married but terrified i will get an attack. I generally get a panic attack about anything - when i got a tattoo, had my hair cut anything that is out of my 'safety zone' or out of my 'routine'. Crazy!!
Have a WONDERFUL day and i'm sure it will all be fine,above all enjoy it!!!:-) xx

09-09-06, 18:20
Hi all, thanks for the replies. Well now its exactly one week to the bid day. I cant believe it though I am actually feeling more positive. I have had a few wobbly days where I thought I was going to panic but so far Ive managed to control it. Ive found a programme by the guy that did that channel 4 programme fear of flying, and I think its actually helping me. Some of the tips at first seemed a little weird but I honestly havent felt this positive for a long time.

Fingers crossed that I will be able to stay this calm [:I] but as all of you are well aware, we can sometimes slip up and unfortunately thats still a worry.

Of course I will let you all know how I get on for the big day, I might even see if I can manage to post a pic of us on the day too :D

Cat xx