View Full Version : waking up with dead limbs

18-01-13, 12:05
Anyone else wake up in the night with dead arms or legs? I have had this a few times recently, sometimes my arm or sometimes my leg, always on the left side. I guess I must hsbe been sleeping funny on it but there is an irrational part of my brain that thinks maybe it's some sort of weird tumor pressing on my spinal cord. That's really unlikely isn't it?

18-01-13, 12:15
It's far more likely that you're sleeping on it. I do this often, and wake up with a dead hand/arm.

18-01-13, 12:18
I would say definitely how you are sleeping, you would notice it while you were awake, if it was more serious. I have woken up like that many times, does scare you at first, but then the feelings come back, and you know it was just from resting on it. Hope you feel better. :hugs:

18-01-13, 12:27
I don't believe this , last night awoke around two o'clock , my left arm completely numb but part of my shoulder and jaw to . This is not the first time either , I know I probably slept awkward , or perhaps some arthritis in my neck, but of coarse first thoughts " M S ".!! But in the cold light of day we can't control what we do in our sleep and its very likely I just slept on the nerve.
I also find around my eye and cheek ( on the left side ) sometimes feels numb.

18-01-13, 18:18
This has happened to me a couple of times, I've woken up and with literally no feeling in my arm what so ever, I have to pick it up with my other arm :P really weird sensation, and then you can feel all the blood gushing through your arm when you move it.

18-01-13, 23:07
Yes, it actually feels so weird when the feeling comes back, it's good to . know I'm not the only one who has this, thank you for the replies.