View Full Version : Bad day

31-08-06, 13:34
Hi had a really bad panic attack just over two weeks ago,Im still getting over that one.Had anxiety attacks since.Have not been out on my own since that one happened.Today I walked to the shops with my mum,I had to go and take a parcel to the post office.I was already worrying before I left.Its about a 10 min walk.I started to feel light headed on the way,of course this started the panic feelings.Half way I had to stop,mum wanted me to go back home she saw my colour change to pure white.
I rested for a few minutes and kept telling myself you can do this.
I carried on and eventually managed to get to the post office.
This has all totally worn me out today.But Im pleased I did not have a full blown PA.
Does anyone else when walking feel like there not walking in a straight line,sort of giddy.This makes me panic,and the thought of panicking infront of alot of people makes things worse.
I have very low confidence and low self esteem,and some days I feel I can do more things than other days does this happen to anyone else?

Ellen XX

31-08-06, 14:09
hi ellen

you done brill, carrying on to the post office was the best thing you could have done, even though you felt giddy you still did it,i can understand the "doing it one day and not being able to do it the next day" scenario, the idea is we must do something every day, so our belief gets stronger and the panic gets less believable

well done you!!

take care

denise :D

31-08-06, 14:29
Hi Ellen :D

[Wow!][Wow!] what great news, WELL DONE, you made the deccission to carry on going the post office even though Mrs Aanxiety was scaring you [^]:D you must be soooo pround of yourself.

When I was acute I did not want to to anything, as the months passed this changed to days were I could do things and other days nothing. Little and often I found best, it does not matter how little step you take it is all a step towards recovery. You are doing great Ellen. I know its scary but keep up the good work. I know its dame hard but try not to think what other people think.

I bet you feel sooo god that you did not take you mums advice and turn back. Put all your energy in the positive things of this trip to the post office. You did not have a pa and thats great, as time goes on your anxiety will get less and less too.

keep up the good work


31-08-06, 14:34
Thank you for your replies,yes now thinking about it I do feel good about carrying on to the post office.Even that Is a big thing for me,as I have a social phobia as well.You have all been great.

Ellen XX

31-08-06, 14:39
Well done Ellen :D You did really well. I totally understand you with your fear of panicking in front of other people, I constantly worry about it and the as usual its a catch 22 situation because then you worry about worrying about it etc, and it gets bigger and bigger. You did great though, just remember everything at your own pace. You will get over this, we all will. Ive found that having people around me that understand and support me really helps too :)

Cat xx

31-08-06, 14:52
Thanks catangel.It feels so good to be able to sit here and actually say how you feel and know there are people who actually understand where your coming from.
Thank you.

Ellen XX

31-08-06, 14:57
Well done Ellen. I Know how you feel. My Anxiety and Panic Attacks have pretty bad latelyand i haven't wanted to go anywhere but i've had to force myself as i need to go to work to pay the bills. Like you i have good days and bad but that doesn't mean you are getting worse. We all have good and bad days even if we don't have anxiety its just we are more aware of how we feel. You should be really proud of yourself.

love Rosebudxxx

31-08-06, 14:59
You will recieve so much help and support here Ellen everyone is so nice, helpful and friendly, plus as you said its nice to know that youre not alone :D

Cat xx

31-08-06, 15:00
Well done Ellen
Like you, i suffer exactly the same, often my head goes really light, my breathing alters and i feel like im staggering and off balance. Its is anxiety, I can even feel as though im going to collaspe at any moment.
You done so well to keep on with your trip, when turning around is so inviting.
I would advise you to maybe explain panic and anxiety fully to your mum, as then she wouldnt be so alarmed when she sees you go pale, i had the same problem with my mum, and it would make me worse seeing her so scared.

well done again honey
luv tracie


31-08-06, 15:09
I totally agree here with traciec39 here, if you explain exactly how you are feeling to your mum you will instantly feel more relaxed in the situation. I hid my anxiety for so long from my familyand felt they just wouldnt understand but then one day I took the plunge and opened up about exactly how i felt, It was such a relief to get it off my chest and now when im out with them and feel a bit panicky it is a comfort just knowing that they understand a bit better what i am feeling

Hope it helps :D

Cat xx

emma chant
31-08-06, 15:52
Hi Ellen...
Keep up the good work and remember to yourself

I CAN DO IT !!!!!!!!!!

e chant

polly daydream
31-08-06, 17:56
Well done Ellen for not giving in to the anxiety.

Take care,


31-08-06, 19:22
well done ellen,
you still did it though, no matter how you felt, you beat the fear, good on you, i know what u mean about giddiness and not wanting to panic in front of others, it would have been so easy for you to go home BUT you didnt
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

31-08-06, 19:55
hey ellen,

massive WELL DONE for taking the step to KEEP GOING! [^] I know how easy it is to just give in to listening to negative thoughts and self-criticisms and believe them but you were so brave to ignore these feelings and get to the post office. You are inspirational!

su x:)