View Full Version : Anxiety getting worse! help

18-01-13, 13:49
I feel like I'm going mad with all this worry and panic. Cant understand these "anxiety" symptoms, feel dizzy, lightheaded, memorys bad, headaches, balance problem. Still worried there's more to it than anxiety, cant help but think its MS! I have a rash on my body worrying I've got meningitis. I know it sounds bad but I'm constantly panicked, I feel like I'm going mad. I hate this.

My boyfriend is getting incredibly fed up with me (understandable) he's even said he cant take it anymore and that I need help or he's gone.

Went out for what I thought would be a few drinks, ended up drunk. Have a nasty hangover which has made my anxiety so much worse and feel really down.

Will I ever get over this? I want my life back. I don't know whether I should go on meds but I'm waiting to hear back for CBT.

Don't even know why I write all that just don't know what to do.

18-01-13, 14:48
Health anxiety can put strain on a relationship but if you're boyfriend is worth being with then he'll stick by you until you're free of this.

I was like you are now 2 years ago - read through my old posts if you don't believe me. I've now managed to completely cure myself and oh my god life is so much better.

Seriously, read some of my posts from 2 years ago. Now I am absolutely fine.
Edit: here's one of my posts from July 2010. It's scary reading this back, how much I was consumed by health anxiety:

Does anyone else find that every day they experience a sensation that at the time you are convinced is catastrophic in some way?

To give you some examples of my last few days,

Heart palpitations/runs of skipped/fast beats - sudden death

Chest aches, pains and twinges - heart attack

Shooting head pains - aneurysm, stroke, tumour

Shortness of breath - collapsed lung, pulmonary edema, heart attack, lung cancer

Heartburn/upper stomach pains - stomach cancer.

For everything else in life I'm reasonable and intelligent - for my health I don't reason, I jump to conclusions and I catastrophise.

When I'm having the shooting head pains im not having the chest pains, and vice versa.

Could it REALLY all be anxiety? Could this be why I feel ill with something or other MOST of the time?

I can't break the cycle. I keep thinking I have done but then relapse.

18-01-13, 16:45
Thankyou, it's good to hear someone has gotten over it. Have been put on sertraline but I don't know anything about it. Hopefully things will look up soon. Anxiety sucks!

18-01-13, 19:01
If you could afford it perhaps look at the cbt4panic which is free for 30 days and thereafter another 30 days to get your money back once you've paid.

I have downloaded it, it is a really good cbt programme and very well thought through by someone who had panic disorder themselves and trained in psychology and cbt.

It would be worth a punt for you I think.

HA is awful but just with any other anxiety there are ways to re train the brain.

Remind yourself that your thoughts are coming from a tired mind. Anxiety is exhausting for our minds, yet amazingly they can keep taking all we throw at them without physical damage.

Daisy Sue
18-01-13, 19:25
"Cant understand these "anxiety" symptoms, feel dizzy, lightheaded, memorys bad, headaches, balance problem. Still worried there's more to it than anxiety"

wow. that could have been me talking, a few years back. every single symptom you mention, i lived with day after day. i fought against the diagnosis of anxiety so much that i even told my CB therapist he was wasting his time - i didn't have anxiety, it was something else (brain tumour, MS...)

thank goodness he stuck with me, and eventually convinced me, because i did learn to understand it all and in turn find coping mechanisms, and i've been pretty much anxiety-free for all the years in between. just having a blip right now though.

18-01-13, 21:31
Aw Daisy Sue that's so good to hear that there is hope & with help you can get better. Thanks for the advice :)

Pinktel thank you il look into it when I get paid, how much is it? Thanks for support everyone

18-01-13, 21:46
Hiya I sympathise with you really do but it is anxiety have a read of the symptom list there's over 100 symptoms I must of had 10 at a time totally deliberating but may I suggest a book for you to read dr claire weaks self help for your nervs it's on iTunes aswell as for your partner they don't understand at all mine don't I've been with mine 15 years and I kid you not I was in a total state I wanted putting away and I have a new baby and 3 other children to take care off but don't let it grip u just tell your self over and over and over that its anxiety because you do not want to fall in like I have I'm slowly climbing back out its the chest pain that brings me back here every time scares the shit out of me
Take care
Best wishes
Vicky xx

18-01-13, 22:10
Thanks Vicky. So many people have recommended me books so il definitely look into that. Readings always good as a distraction from your thoughts aswel. I think I just have too much time on my hands to think about things. Thanks alot, glad to hear you're climbing the ladder. :)