View Full Version : Cured of my needle phobia.

18-01-13, 14:38
So about half an hour ago, I had a blood test and with me having a HUGE phobia of needles I just knew I was going to back out when the nurses called me in.

I took some deep breaths and went into the room with the nurses and sat down, shaking. I didn't cry surprisingly enough, but I was close to! Anyway, the nurses noticed how tense and nervous I looked so they distracted me by making me laugh and asked some questions about the things I do in my spare time, etc etc. When they wrapped the band around my left arm, I started taking more deep breaths, closed my eyes and looked away. They applied some freezing numbing spray on my arm and then put the needle in. I only felt a VERY MILD sting when they put it in and when they took it out. When they said 'done!' I said, 'OMG, was that really it?!'. My Mum and the two nurses started laughing and gave me some water as I felt real faint afterwards. I had a huge smile on my face afterwards and thought, 'I did it. I really did it!'.

As soon as I had it done, I felt really proud and actually said to my Mum, 'Mum, I can safely say that I no longer fear needles!'. My Mum was really happy and pleased and then gave me a McFlurry and some sweets.

After being terrified of needles for over a DECADE and refused to have several injections and blood tests in the past but refused, I'm now cured, and feel over the moon. OK, I still hate 'em and all (who doesn't?), but I no longer fear them.

If any of you with a needle phobia reads this, I promise you that it's absolutely nothing to be scared of! The panicing beforehand is x1000 worse than the blood test itself! Please please PLEASE, if your doctor suggests to have a blood test, please do it! You'll feel SO much better and relieved afterwards! You'll realise it isn't as bad as you think! This is coming from a HUUUUGE needle phobic (well, WAS a needle phobic!). :yesyes:

I must THANK all of you lovely members on this forum that encouraged me to have it done and told me it would be OK. You're all awesome people! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

18-01-13, 17:43
Well done!!! So pleased it was ok - you should be pleased with yourself, you deserve to be! That was really brave of you - I know you've been having a tough time through this winter, so you deserve extra kudos for facing your fears. x

18-01-13, 17:50
Well done! You should be so proud of yourself!

20-01-13, 19:03
well done! :)