View Full Version : isolated and depressed

18-01-13, 17:51
I am finding it really hard at the moment. I have been attending CBT for agoraphobia and panic disorder since last july and right now i feel the worst i have felt. I just feel so isolated and depressed. It is a viscious circle as i get depressed when i am alone but i dont want to be around people because the anxiety and panic kicks in. The agoraphobia doesnt help either.

Every day is a struggle, i have to drag myself out of bed. I think to myself whats the point i will just be sitting in the house all day and it gets me down.

I look in the mirror and i feel depressed with my reflection. I just want to be happy again. I feel so bad for my fiancee as he has to put up with my mood swings and depression. he wants to go out and do things as a couple like we used to, but i just cant.

I feel exhausted all the time and have no motivation. I just hide away from the world. My life consists of going to work and coming home, days off consist of staying in the house because i cant face going out.

At 22 years old this is no life. I have suicidal thoughts all the time but would never carry them out.

I just want to know does it EVER get better ? I am not on any medication for this so i have made an appointment with my GP. I am going to see her on the 25th Jan, fingers crossed i get something to help me along the way. CBT cant work for me if i feel too depressed to carry out the tasks.

18-01-13, 20:20
I definitley think that with some medication that will help, sometimes medication is needed in these things.
I don't have much experience with depression but from what I've read it comes in phases so yes I definitley think it will get better.
best wishes to you

18-01-13, 20:30
Hi lady million, take a look at the post I left u on your other thread. In addition to that, having read this one, I really feel for you. It's a very difficult situation you are in but honestly it can get better. You are on the right track but you need to keep plugging away. Though dark thoughts you have are understandable under your current circumstances because you are in a deep depression. Stay in touch on here because we can all help u til u r seeing the doctor and a problem shared is a problem halved as they say. If we all take a little bit of your troubles away each day & encourage u to keep going, soon you'll be improving and the world can be a more rosy place for u again.

18-01-13, 20:59
Hi Tessar your reply made me cry. Its nice to know that there are nice people like you around. It made me feel a bit better. I will keep you posted. I just take each day as it comes at te moment and hope for the best. I hope the dr will prescribe me something that will make me feel better..... Take care

Thanks Vicky i appreciate your reply. Its just a horrible feeling and i am fed up with people telling me to snap out of it. If it were that simple then i wouldnt be feeling like this. But hey some people just dont understand how it feels i suppose. Take care

18-01-13, 21:14
Hi Ladymillion
Oh it's so *!!****** frustrating when people say snap out of it isn't it? I usually say "Would you tell someone to snap out of heart disease or cancer?" A bit of a drastic thing to day but it's true isn't it?
I agree with Vicky about some medication. It's not the only solution but it can support you through while the other things get worked out.

In the meantime, Tessar's words are wise. Let us take a bit of your burden away and be your friend so you may not feel so isolated. You can get better from this. It just takes time

Lots of love and hugs coming your way.

24-01-13, 11:25
Hi everyone, Thanks for your kind words they always make me feel better. You are all very supportive and caring! I feel quite good today because i know i am going to my Gp tomorrow! The wait is nearly over! I am nervous about how i am going to go about the discussion but hope it goes well! I dont know what medication will work for me but i just need something to ease the symptoms and lift my low mood. I will let you all know how it goes.

24-01-13, 12:19
I was attacked by my brother last September and slowly I noticed started withdrawing from the world. I ended up suffering from panic attacks in shops and I couldn't manage them so I became agoraphobic. It was just awful. 4 weeks ago I went on anti depressants (Dosulepin) for anxiety and it has helped alot. I can now get out a bit more, I can get into a shop now and walk around without feeling as bad, I can take my children out to the park.

I am very against medication but I became so depressed with the isolation that I had to try something. It hasn't been a complete fix, I am still struggling with depression but at least now I can get out a little bit and that helps.

I wouldn't dismiss medication altogether. I would speak to your GP xx

25-01-13, 11:41
Pearl35 that is an awful story but i am glad that the medication has helped you get out again. I am going to the doctors today but im not sure where to start! I dont know if i need anti depressants or anti anxiety medication because it is the anxiety that is causing the depression. Ohhhh i hate going to the doctors. I will let you guys know how i get on later tonight.

25-01-13, 13:10
Pearl35 that is an awful story but i am glad that the medication has helped you get out again. I am going to the doctors today but im not sure where to start! I dont know if i need anti depressants or anti anxiety medication because it is the anxiety that is causing the depression. Ohhhh i hate going to the doctors. I will let you guys know how i get on later tonight.

good luck, we're all coming with you to hold your hand............. :-)

25-01-13, 16:10
Thank you so much Tessar your comments are of great support. An hour until i go ooohhhh nervous

25-01-13, 17:27
Hope all went well for you at the Docs :bighug1:

25-01-13, 20:19
hey guys i got started on fluoextine (prozac) hopefully it helps but i am scared to take it after reading side effects but i start it tomorrow anyway. Anyone else tried this before?