View Full Version : Going on bus alone.

emma chant
31-08-06, 16:17
On saturday iv'e got work so iv'e got to catch bus,
BUT i usually catch bus with my mum.
So my mum says to driver where want to go and i just get a seat.
BUT this sat iv'e got to go on my own and i'm really dreading it.
Can anyone give me some advice???? please.
emma xxx

e chant

31-08-06, 17:04
im sure someone will give advice im affraid i cant sorry because i myself cant get on a bus ,i will be thinking of you take care suexx

31-08-06, 21:11
Hi emma

Not sure how much help I can be, but remember that you do travel on the bus regularly, which is an achievement in itself!

Asking your mum what she says is a great idea, because then you will be prepared. Also remember the driver is not going to be expecting great conversation, just wants to know where you want to go. :)

Think how great you'll feel when you have done this!


31-08-06, 21:24

Aks mum where to ask for and then ask the driver politely if he would let you know when it was your stop so you don't miss it.

I have done this before and they don't mind if you smile and just say please can u shout when we are at my stop.

Good luck


31-08-06, 21:34

My first ever panic attack was on a bus but even after I started taking beta blockers and cipralex I still had to get the bus to work everyday and the only thing that helped me was to mess with my mobile phone to take my mind off having a panic. It worked for me most of the time and was a good distraction.
