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19-01-13, 09:06
Hi all just looking a bit of advice, reassurance maybe.

This will be my 9th day on 10mg of citalopram, I have like a tablet phobia and although Iv been on these twice before and they were great I was so anxious to start them again, Iv now got this thought in my head and it's making me panic that by starting the tabs they are gonna change me as a person, had this thought when I was first put on them but just got on with it but my anxiety is worse this time and I can't shake this thought. Just keep thinking are they complety gonna change my personality, my thoughts and feelings about things etc, and not for the better, I'm thinking the worst scenarios, like they'll turn me into a horrible thoughtless person, been feeling quite aggitated and annoyed last few days so thinking is that the start of it!!!! I'm an analysing every thought I have or thing I say or do.

Sorry for the rant I know it all probably sounds totally bizarre to everyone just needed to get it out. Thanks for reading.

Paula xx

19-01-13, 10:09
Hi Paula :hugs:
NMP is a site for people that have the same kind of thoughts about many different things so nothing I read on here sounds bizzare. I wish I could say more but I have a little social phobia and lots of trouble writing what I'm thinking, even filling out forms of any kind sends me into a panick and I start putting the right answer in the wrong box, or worse, which may seem "bizzare" to you but thats just the way I am... for now.

Marital Status: Black Belt. :ninja:

19-01-13, 10:22
Hi Paula,
rest assured that the feeling of anxiety is just temporary.

I've been through and I've come out the other side.
Just a few tips to feel a little better :

- practice deep breathing, breathe in and out a few times
- Repeat or write
'This will pass'
'I'm feeling better and better'

On a regular basis , you have to plan your day
or have a to do list, like :
- have a shower
- get dressed
- phone someone
- do some housework or some task

The good news is :

You can beat this!
You will get better!

19-01-13, 16:46
No, my dear!!! Citalopram will not change you as a person! It is a tool to help relieve your anxiety as you fix your negative thought patterns through therapy or self talk! I have been taking Citalopram for four weeks now, and I can tell you that it has just now kicked in. I am able to think more clearly and rationally as I work through CBT and EMDR. Just keep yourself busy and think positive thoughts through the side effects and I promise you will come through it! You may find the Citalopram Survival Guide on this site helpful. I believe in you!

19-01-13, 18:20
Thanks so much tigerlark, I will def read the survival guide. X