View Full Version : Feeling so spaced out on day 10???? Help ...

19-01-13, 15:40
Sorry, I have posted a few times about nausea etc but today I am feeling very spaced out.... Is this normal ???
On 10mg of citalopram, family have seen improvements in my anxiety and mind frame but I feel horrendous, desperate for help?? Feeling so lightheaded and worried tablets aren't agreeing with me???

19-01-13, 16:04
I'm day 9 on citalopram and my husband notices a good difference in me already but I still feel horrible!! I felt nauseous till the point of vomiting everyday but noticed today it seems to have faded but alot of my crazy thoughts and wierd feelings are still present. I sort if feel numb today like not really here, it's horrible. Guess we all have different symptoms starting out but we just need to stick it out cuz Iv been on these tablets twice before and both times they really wer life savers, so hang in there(hard as it may be), I no how u feel. Xxxx

19-01-13, 16:12
Thank you so much, i know what you mean! I tried to go to shop earlier but it was like the world was happening around me and I felt faint :(
I have also been extremely nauseous and been vomiting today :(