View Full Version : Introduction

19-01-13, 16:02
Hi, I'm a bit nervous about doing this! I'm having a bad day and think it's time to get involved.

I suffer from a variety of anxiety problems, I wouldn't say any on their own are hugely debilitating but together do affect my life. At the moment I find myself almost looking for things to worry about, and usually about work as I was promoted about a year ago. Anxiety usually starts on Fridays and weekends, I'll think about something I did at work and then it'll be on my mind until Monday morning. I'll imagine awful things happening, won't be able to think about anything else and it'll ruin my weekend. At the moment I am glued to my sofa worrying about something (an email I sent yesterday which I didn't think anything about at the time but now have an awful sick feeling thinking about it) and haven't eaten or got dressed yet. Living alone doesn't help! I don't understand how I can make a decision to do something so easily and then worry about it soooo much afterwards.

I've also had bad panic attacks in the past (not really any more and triggered by recreational drugs) and also think I have mild social anxiety - the worst thing is turning bright red when speaking in certain situations/ with certain people - a lifelong problem which has held me back. I also find it very difficult meeting potential romantic partners due to my anxiety about being good enough, looking stupid etc.

Writing all this down makes me realise that I do need help!!

19-01-13, 16:12
Hi Bella81

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-01-13, 16:17
Hi :welcome: I am sure you will find lots of support here x

19-01-13, 16:52
Hi Bella,
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


19-01-13, 16:58
Hi, Bella, sorry to hear your having a bad time with it all, I know what you are going through, I only just joined this site yesterday and was very nervous about sharing my problems, but I found that it has helped me alot to share with people going through the same thing. I suffer from depression and anxiety, and social anxiety, it is very difficult, but talking about it really does help and this website is perfect to share your worries as people are there to help who know what you are going through, we all have to be strong and try and Beat it. I'm here to talk anytime.

19-01-13, 17:12
Hello and welcome to the forum.:welcome:

19-01-13, 17:43
Im with you on the potential romantic partners thing, i worry constantly about meeting someone n then when i do i worry im not good enough and there gonna leave me, ive avoided some really good potential relationships over the years cos im too anxious. Its a vicious circle. Ive been on Fluoxetine the last 2 weeks, which led me here due to awful side effects but it seems to be working and i feel less anxious last few days.
Please PM if you want to chat x x

19-01-13, 17:53
Wow...I feel ya. I can even relate to the "Once Was Supergirl." I had what I call my Renaissance Period, back in my early and mid 30s.

I'm new here, too. I'm glad we found this 'site.


19-01-13, 20:11
Hi Bella
Welcome to the Forum site..
Carmel x

19-01-13, 20:17