View Full Version : tried to kill myself today and very worried im oing too try again

19-01-13, 16:39
nowhere too turn and nothing can help

19-01-13, 16:41
Hi Dave

Were you taken to hosptial ?

19-01-13, 16:43
no just been getting the usual chest pains all afternoon just feeling weird i feel i should end it before it gets me then at least ive won i would have won

19-01-13, 16:43
Oh please don't try that. I know how easy it is to think that killing yourself is the answer it's not. Please get some help, a doctor can help you and give you something that will help. Your not alone and you can get through this.

19-01-13, 16:47
Hello Dave,

If you're feeling that depressed you need to get help NOW!!!

Either ring your out of hours doctors service, you can get their number by ringing your own surgery, there will be a recorded messaged.

Failing that, go straight to A&E, they will be able to keep you safe and have you assessed by the duty psychiatrist.

There are always places and people to turn too and there is ALWAYS something that can help, that's the depression making you think like that.

Please go and get help NOW!

19-01-13, 16:50
i have been in hospital before for mental health and just been signed off from the crisis team a couple weeks ago i think there is a massive process before they get back too see me again i cant be done with all of it starting all over again people telling me the same things over and over but still getting pains in my chest and feeling like absolute rubbish

19-01-13, 16:51

No matter how bad things seem, there's nothing that can't be sorted. This is from someone who's been through most of it and I'm still here to tell the tale and very glad that I am.

Talk to friends or family about how you feel, or keep posting on here because I know there are a lot of people who would be happy to help you, including me. If things get so bad that you feel you've got nothing else you can do, please ring your doctor or NHS Direct because they can help you.

You're not alone so don't feel like you are. Remember that on this site, we're all in it together.

Take care

Pip x

19-01-13, 17:00
What I meant was did you take an overdose or something so was taken to hospital?

19-01-13, 17:04
Dave you're only feeling this negative because of the depression.

It doesn't matter a jot that you've only just been discharged from the crisis team........you are having another crisis and that's exactly what they are there for :)

Like Pipkin, I have been there myself and, like you, I thought that nobody would be able to help me, but they did :) and I'm still here, thankfully, too :D

If you still have the number for the crisis team, I would give them a ring and have a chat with them, they WILL be able to help you :)

And, as Pipkin had said, there are always lot's of lovely, kind, caring and supportive people here :)

19-01-13, 17:07
i have been in hospital before for mental health and just been signed off from the crisis team a couple weeks ago i think there is a massive process before they get back too see me again i cant be done with all of it starting all over again people telling me the same things over and over but still getting pains in my chest and feeling like absolute rubbish
i was once like u. I never tried to kill myself but believe me i wanted to. I was very bad & the thoughts well they were pure evil & i had 2 kids under the age of 2yrs old & to me they lookd like monsters & i was on meds for a few months but i thought im not taking these & i havn,t since )t,s been a few yrs now & i still suffer anxiety & sometimes panic but i am nowere near as bad. & i help myself (even though it,s been a very long journey) & my familys help too. Ok i get some horrible toughts still but very,very rare & when i do get them there easily forgetable. I could write a book & im only 28yrs old. So listen. You are not ill,mad or whatever u think u are. U/we are normal. O & believe me i,ve had chest pain & weirdness but u can pull through all this. Whenever u feel like that contact someone u know or post on here or ring the out of hours for help. Don,t be stubborn. Come on & live.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-01-13, 17:53
Hi Davey,

As another poster asked, were you taken to hospital following your first attempt? Did you see a mental health professional?

Either way, I beg you to call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90 - they won't judge you, they won't even ask your name if you don't want to give it but they will listen.

19-01-13, 18:28

I've had my share of chest pain with my anxiety. I've had issues with palpatations and arythmia too and although anxiety makes them worse, mine are caused by something else. It's gotten completely manageable after a time even though it still scares the crap out of me occasionally.

The point is, it's not the chest pains making you feel this way, it's the anxiety and depression. You can get through this. I've felt the same way as you (quite recently in fact) and there are ways out of it even though it may not seem that way.

At one point I went from being almost non-functioning to slowly recovering to being fine for years (with little bumps here and there). Then it comes back and seems like there's no way out but I know that there is.
Talk to the people that can help you. Please.


Daisy Sue
19-01-13, 19:48
Dave, if you deliberately end your life then it's not you who's won, it's the anxiety - don't let it.

there are people out there who do nothing BUT take calls from those who are on crisis point, for whatever reason.. i think you should take everyone's advice here and reach out for the help that is out there, and that you deserve.

you may not need to go through the same old routine, same old therapy etc again, there might be a completely different take on things this time round.