View Full Version : can the mind give you symptoms?

19-01-13, 17:09
Hi to all, My worry is that my mind seems to go from being fearful of a heart attack - when i have this i get shortness of breath and indigestion, chest pain these type of feelings and then i will stop worrying about this and start worrying about having breast cancer, then i feel continously for lumps and under the arms where you have the glands i prod and push then wonder why it hurts the next day and also have feelings like electric shocks at the side of the breast sometimes in to my back, this will go on for a few weeks then i alternate back to the worry of the heart attack again-it is so frustrating and tiring. Does anyone have any solutions ?
I really do appreciate any positive answers

19-01-13, 17:33
Hi there, Mimie!

To answer your question, YES! The mind can give you symptoms because of your thought patterns. Your mind is a very powerful thing in that way. This is because, the more you think about something negative or scary, the more your brain thinks there's something wrong. I don't know the biology behind this or anything, but I know exactly how you're feeling. When I first started having panic attacks, I believed I was going to have a seizure and die! I am not epileptic nor have I had any seizures in my life, nor is there a history of epilepsy in my family! Now, I think it's silly, but at the time, it was very real. I'll tell you how I got over my fears and anxiety.

First of all, I am not doing this alone. I am using medication as a tool to dull the anxiety so I can cope as I go through EMDR and CBT. I have a big support network consisting of doctors, family members, and close friends. So if you don't have a support network or you haven't seen a doctor about your anxiety, I would encourage you to do so! Your support network will be like your safety net and will help you feel more confident in yourself and not so alone in your fight.

Secondly, THINK ABOUT what you're THINKING ABOUT. This is the real key to overcoming anxiety and panic. That cycle of thoughts you're describing is a negative thought pattern that needs to be fixed. You can go to therapy, if you need help, or you can simply inject positive thoughts into your thought life to break the cycle. It is hard work, exhausting at times, and very frustrating if you are a perfectionist like me, but it is very doable. How do I know this? I've done it.

I believe in you! Please feel free to message me if you need any extra help/tips/support!

Sarah :)

21-01-13, 13:42
thank you for your reply, i wish i knew what to take to make me feel less anxious it is so worrying, my gp gave me propranolol and i can't take them because since being anxious i always get side effects - the rare ones, i asked her if there was something else and she said no. I have tried to practise mindfulness today and meditation - these help, i have been on an nhs short course for these but looking at the forum with symptoms of swelling i am now worried i have non hodgkins lymphoma - i am not really sure what it is but i have swelling and there will come a time in the next few weeks where i can't not google it and i will be more scared then- can you advise me ? If so i would be so grateful as this takes over your life.

21-01-13, 17:08
Hi mimie

yes the mind is very powerful and can give you symptoms. The other thing you do though is not so much make up symptoms but hone in on things that were already there you were just unaware of them. For example nearly everyone alive has ectopic heart beats. Just most people dont notice them. With anxiety your mind almost goes looking for something wrong because you are constantly scanning yourself and your environment as you are on red alert.

21-01-13, 17:16
The mind is such a powerful thing, and I can relate to you, I worry about my heart all the time, and then I get the chest pains out of the blue, that is my biggest thing. Hope you feel better soon. :)

21-01-13, 17:18
YES YES YES!!! I thought I had breast cancer once and that it had spread to my lungs. I felt every single twinge and ache in that one area. drove me completely through the roof and convinced me I was at death's door. I'm doing the same with my mouth now... trying to convince myself its anxiety but its so hard.

22-01-13, 15:37
thank you all for your advice, was reading something on the forum which made me worry that i have non hodgkins lymphona as i had this swelling under my arm near the breast tissue, and i made an apt with my gp and am now waiting for an appointment to go the breast clinic - petrified. I think it is great that we can suppotrt each other. If anyone knows anything herbal that really works i would love to know please.