View Full Version : Breathlessness.. Causes?

Anxious lu
19-01-13, 18:27
So at work maybe a tad over excited I realise I talk at a million miles a
Minute..telling stories about last nights party..

I am told I speed talk a lot! Can this have a negative effect on my breathing because I came over breathless and dizzy.. Which fuels anxiety and had my pulse racing!

I am hoping the breathlessness was due to my exessivly fast story telling and not a medical cause..

If so does anyone have any tips on how to control this as I hardly notice when I do it until its too late

---------- Post added at 18:27 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ----------

Omg I just has an out rust from my chest. I am so scared I have had this before and ended up on a pointless trip to a&e..

So hard to describe like a burst of hot blood in all
Like my heart drops into my stomache it's so overwhelming I feel faint when it happens.. Is this adrenaline?

19-01-13, 19:02
Yeah, the burst of hot blood in all directions starting in your chest definitely sounds like adrenaline. My advice is to just relax and breathe, and think happy thoughts until it goes away. I believe in you!


Anxious lu
19-01-13, 19:20
Thanks so much for the reply.. Why do I let it terrify me I have had it before and been fine.. Bunble bath and candles when I get in I think x

20-01-13, 01:31
An excellent idea!!! :)

20-01-13, 21:03
gosh I've not known how to describe this but I get this alot in my stomach area and it usually comes from being over emotional or pent up or when i have something important but scary to say and am usually breathless anyway so can't talk. This is when I am on beta blockers! which is supposed to stop the adrenalin. So what is going on ?

feels like a hot burst of energy/blood radiating out from the abs/stomach region. Does that sound similar ? And I can go light headed.

Anxious lu
20-01-13, 22:23
Yes it definately is.. I do get it from the stomach areas. I know that is adrenaline and I am fine with it it's just when I feel it from my chest, that doesn't seem okay!

It feels like adrenaline but at the sale time it so much more intense..

Thank you for the reply x

20-01-13, 22:36
this sounds like a pvc premature ventice contraction which is an early beat of the heart followed by an extra strong one very common and harmless stress and anxiety are major causes I've being to the doctor several times and cardiologist about these feelings and was told they are harmless and try to relax easier said than done

Anxious lu
20-01-13, 22:58
I just googled PVC .. stupid really as it has really scared now..

When I went to a&e for it they done an ECG and never mentioned it could be this.. Do you think now I should see a doctor about it, I don't want to faint. That's embarrassing

20-01-13, 23:13
pvcs are harmless my cardio doctor told me that everybody gets these and most can't feel them he also said that some people have 1000s of these per day i used to get them hardly ever but feel them more often cos i stress about them I've requested a 24 hour ecg monitor since the regular ecg has not picked them up

go to your gp and tell him about these feelings but don't worry these pvcs are harmless there is a section on this site that explains palpatations and ecotic heartbeats(pvcs) in better detail

Anxious lu
20-01-13, 23:18
Thank you for the reassurance I will have a look.