View Full Version : Another acid reflux question! :)

Orange Lightning
19-01-13, 20:09
Hello peeps. This question is a little different from my recent panics, but it is sadly still health-related. Last night I began getting all manner of acid reflux symptoms such as a burning throat, abdonem gurgling, throat tightness, loads of mucus (or something like it?) in my throat. It's still going strong today, alongside my left arm pain and chest tightness, although it seems to make my palpitations a lot more noticable too.

I'm pretty sure anxiety causes this? It's begun so suddenly, and I'm hoping it has nothing to do with hiatal hernias or the vagus nerve or something?! ^^; Actually, how would I know if the Vagus Nerve was irritated? I only worry about that because I've been taken Omeprazole and it no longer has any effect.

19-01-13, 20:22
Hi Orange

I know exactly how you feel because when my acid reflux acts up, I get the left chest pain etc too. Your stomach is actually in the upper left abdomen and when the acid acts up, it can radiate around that area even without the burning throat sensation.

It's awful but can be easily treated hun.
