View Full Version : It's only been a day and here I am again...

31-08-06, 21:42
This is kind of a gross problem so if you're easily shocked...stop here.

Basically, today I had a little blood on the tissue after a hard (but not that hard) bowel movement. Then I realised I've been having this on and off (particularly with hard bowel movements) for over a year, in fact, it all probably started roundabout the time that I gave birth 18 months ago.

I mean, it's not been every day, but maybe every few weeks or months. The blood is very scant, just a tiny bit on the toilet paper, and the outside area of my anus often feels itchy/irritated. It feels like it's the same place every time.

Of course, me being me, I've self diagnosed with anal cancer and I'm now terrified. I'm 25 so anal cancer is probably not very likely, but when has that ever stopped me worrying?

I'll see a doctor on Monday but I was hoping for a bit of reassurance until then. Does anybody else get this? Is this too going to turn out to be nothing, or is this 'it'?

Any comments appreciated


31-08-06, 21:55

Ok my reply will be equally as gross!

I have had this too and especially after a spell of diarrohea and it was the continual wiping that made the area bleed and it wasn't blood coming from inside if that makes sense.

I had it earlier this week too after an upset stomach for a few days and several loo trips!

I am sure yours is the same especially if the area is itchy and inflammed.

Also it could be a pile - these are harmless but painful but easily cured with over-the-counter creams etc.

I am sure it will be fine but if you want reassurance then you could ask the doctor but you are not alone with this one I assure you.

Try this post too ...

Ffs (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=11295)


31-08-06, 22:00
yeah me too for years after the birth of my wee girl

on and off ever since

hope this helps


31-08-06, 22:02
Hi Sylvie
It could be an anal fissure seen as you are passing hard stools, this is a small tear. Or Piles, but I reckon the first. Is the blood really red? More fibre in the diet can soften the stool making passing more easier and the fissure to heal.

I Only know cos I have had one or two in the past, the last one not to long ago after a strong dose of antibiotics for the bacteria H-Pylori in my stomach. They gave me diarrohea first and then when things started to get back to normal it caused me to get a fissure. Luckily it has cleared up now. But at the time I had every bowel problem going, or so I thought.

I am sure if you went to the docs to get it looked at, I know its embarrasing but that is what they are there for, he or she would put your mind at ease.

Dont worry I am sure it will be fine. I am Queen of Bottom problems, with everything I have had.

Take care Angie X

31-08-06, 22:17
Yep, me too! I've had this a few times and it always freaks me out. The first time I had a rectal examination by a doctor and he said there was evidence of a pile that had "popped"; nothing to worry about. I've always been prone to constipation and he just said more fibre, more water, etc.

I've had this again more recently and reported it to my doctor when I next saw her - my bowel habit is all over the place lately and my GP said it is quite common after a bout of diarrohea, and didn't even examine me. I was also told that bright red (fresh) blood tends not to be anything to worry about.

You could try a cream like anusol which will sooth any irritation (and shrink any piles if this is the cause). Piles are common during and after pregnancy, and can cause itching and irritation.

You can tell you're not alone with this problem!

Best wishes,

01-09-06, 07:26
Hi I get this to, especially if it hurts a little, my dr said to me that fresh red blood is nothing to worry about.

take care xx

i just wanna feel normal

01-09-06, 11:21
My boyf actually gets this on and off -usually after he has drunk a lot and needs the loo loads...

The funny thing is - he is totally cool about it and knows that it is probably just "one of those things" whereas i convince myself that he has bowel cancer and hysterically beg him to see a quack!

and low and behold - it stops happening and he is fine!