View Full Version : headaches/internal tremor every day

19-01-13, 23:44
Hi all,

I have been suffering with HA for the past 4 months, at first it was heart anxiety and all tests came back normal :)

In the past few weeks my symptoms have changed from chest pains and arm aches to now getting bad headaches especially in my temples. My tinnitus which I have had for 2 years has got worse in my left ear and my heart seems to beat harder than normal causing my body to shake. Along with a hard heart beat, i seem to feel an internal shiver or tremor in my left side especially after I eat. I cant pinpoint where this tremor is but feel its in the back of my head/neck, my left arm and my abdomen.

I am not sure what is going on, whether things have changed since i had all my blood work, ECG's and Echo's and whether i need to get checked out again or whether this is just anxiety. I went back to the doctors a couple of days ago and he didnt even check me and said its anxiety. He said I had my heart checked and it was fine now its a tremor in my head and arms, next it could be gastric, he said anxiety works in strange ways and the mind is a powerful thing and recommended I continue to take propranolol which has helped with chest pains but not these recent symptoms.

Can anyone sympathise with these symptoms and feel my frustrations? Do you guys experience what I am experiencing? I do still worry there is something wrong with me but just dont know what it is...

Best wishes everyone!


24-01-13, 15:38
Reposting - some advise would be helpful.

Thank you


24-01-13, 16:13
You've got health anxiety, which can cause all sorts of physical symptoms, some you wouldn't imagine. I've been to the doctors for the same thing and he fobbed me off too. But what you have to realise is that these symptoms happen to 'normal' people too, they just don't dwell on them or feel them.

As soon as you 'tune out' of health anxiety you'll feel much better. You may still get weird sensations but you'll look at them in a completely different light - you'll brush them off. Believe me, I have been there.