View Full Version : Sharp pain in stomach, possible IBS?

20-01-13, 03:53
I know I've posted a few things before, or maybe a lot, but I haven't been able to go to the doctor's yet until the 29th because I'm a new patient and this site has helped me a lot with the reassurance.. so I need another one.

I was sitting on the couch, relaxing, when I got a sharp pain in my stomach, right in the middle where my ribs end. I believe I may have IBS, I get trapped gas and I have had diarrhea with some constipation. I haven't gotten the sharp pain again, but I want to know, is a sharp pain at the stomach [in the middle for me] to be expected with IBS?


Daisy Sue
20-01-13, 10:08
hiya.. it may not strictly be IBS but it certainly sounds like stomach to me.. either gas or acid or both. have you got anything for your stomach symptoms yet? if not, try drinking hot boiled water if you get that kind of pain, or acidy feeling.

20-01-13, 14:41
Thank you. I passed gas after the shooting pain, so maybe that was it? I had a small pizza just a few hours before that, so that might have been the main issue. Also, would tea help just the same?

Daisy Sue
20-01-13, 15:11
lol, i would say the pizza was most probably the culprit.. if you're suffering from any kind of upper stomach problem, the tomato (acid) and cheese (fat) are just the right things to set your stomach kicking off.

i love my cups of tea :) but i do tend to turn to plain hot water if i'm particularly trying to settle my stomach.

23-01-13, 16:14
hi i have this same problem have resently had problems with health anxiety my main concern being cancer i have tummy pain all the time and have had loose bowel movements also at times with a little blood am so worried about having bowel cancer its driving me insane i am 29 and my doctour said it is very unlikely its cancer but dosent stop me worrying has anyone else had this problem

Jen Sat
23-01-13, 16:32
I find that as I am always tense my stomach muscles cramp up, I get the stabbing pains after I have eaten need to go to the bathroom often. I am sure it all related to anxiety as when I am relaxed the symptoms are a lot less. Is there anything that you are particulary stressing about at the moment? I also find that high fat food also sets me off, perhaps it is a bit of IBS as well. Ginger or Peppermint tea is good also.