View Full Version : Going out of my mind with worry over tongue

20-01-13, 09:08
Hello there. Ive had a nightmare of a few months, and I am panic stricken. In november 2012 I got the most awful sore throat. It lasted about ten days and then I got a terrible headache across my eyes that would not go. I went to the doctors and they did my bloods which showed my ferritin levels were a 3 so they put me on iron tablets.

During this time my tongue felt terrible.. it was burning and tingerling it had a white coating and just felt like cotton stuffed in my mouth.. then I began to feel like something was stuck at the back of my throat. I called the doctor and they said it sounded like thrush so they gave me the medication for that.. I finished it and things still were not right so without looking at me and just talking to me on the phone they gave me more. Things still were not right after that. My taste buds were up at the back and I just felt very lumpy.

At Christmas I noticed a couple of white spots on my left inner cheek.. I freaked out and rubbed them and they came away which left some redness... then one morning I noticed one up above in my gum just behind the lip..that did the same. The side of my tongue became sore so I showed the chemist who said she could see a sore patch on my tongue...I show the doc who swobbed it and that came back satisfactory.. she said she wasnt worried at all. I told her it was burning.. at the tip in the middle as well and I asked her could it be my iron.. she said I have been on the iron tablets since november now so she doubted that.

Constantly looking in the mirror and driving myself mad.... I went to the dentist... she had a good look round and said she was not worried about the little sore on the side of my tongue and the white spots sounded like canker sores.

The sore on the side of my tongue was bothering me so off i went to the docs again... a different doctor this time.. she said she couldnt see anything. To put my mind at rest she offered I was refferred to an oral surgeon and I see him on the 28th of this month.

I got home after that appointment and felt something in my mouth and there on the inner cheek was another big white spot... I had just been to the doctors and it wasnt there before... i feel like i am going crazy.

Two days ago.. my tongue wasnt burning wasnt tingerling and not so white and it felt great... next day... that sore on my tongue hurts and now there is another one on the same side.. just a red sore.. it just suddenly appeared.

I am terrfied... I am so worried I have mouth cancer.

20-01-13, 10:49
Hi, you do know that the main symptom of low iron is burning tingling tongue and sores on it too!! As well as tiredness and feeling ill (headaches)

Please don't worry and stop looking at and poking your tongue and it will heal.

---------- Post added at 10:49 ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 ----------

Ps you have only been on the tablets since November and your level was low so I bet it still is, keep taking the tablets

Daisy Sue
20-01-13, 10:56
a level of 3 is very, very low... i've just done a quick Google search and every answer is different (lol) regarding standard lowest figure in the normal range, but even given the differences, 3 is way below normal. i agree that your tongue and mouth symptoms are most probably deficiency symptoms, and it might be that your body has just not had enough time to bring your iron levels up to necessary range yet.. it's not that long since November.

would you be able to ask your GP to re-do the iron level blood test again now? see how it's doing? that might be useful both for you, and for your appointment with the oral surgeon.

mrs way to worried
20-01-13, 15:25
i have a very sore toungue as well its only down one side of it :( wish i knew what it was

20-01-13, 16:04
Hello thank you for your replies. The doctor said she wanted my bloods done again only when I had finished my iron tablets. Which won't be for another month. I put it to her that could it possibly be the low iron and she shrugged that off and said I doubt it.

20-01-13, 17:01
Nicky, I have the same fear as you and spent a lot of time googling. made me feel awful so have banned myself. anyway, what i did find out is that mouth cancer tends to be a sore or bump that stays in one place and doesn't go (most times a sore). not like yours at all. Also, I have HA about a bump in my mouth at the mo and have been checking with my tongue a lot.. this has given me some small white mouth ulcers from stress and rubbing too much - not on the bump but around my mouth.. they go after 24 hours or so. not been checking as much today and mouth not feeling quite as sore.

hope that helps


20-01-13, 22:17
Hello there. Ive had a nightmare of a few months, and I am panic stricken. In november 2012 I got the most awful sore throat. It lasted about ten days and then I got a terrible headache across my eyes that would not go. I went to the doctors and they did my bloods which showed my ferritin levels were a 3 so they put me on iron tablets.

During this time my tongue felt terrible.. it was burning and tingerling it had a white coating and just felt like cotton stuffed in my mouth.. then I began to feel like something was stuck at the back of my throat. I called the doctor and they said it sounded like thrush so they gave me the medication for that.. I finished it and things still were not right so without looking at me and just talking to me on the phone they gave me more. Things still were not right after that. My taste buds were up at the back and I just felt very lumpy.

At Christmas I noticed a couple of white spots on my left inner cheek.. I freaked out and rubbed them and they came away which left some redness... then one morning I noticed one up above in my gum just behind the lip..that did the same. The side of my tongue became sore so I showed the chemist who said she could see a sore patch on my tongue...I show the doc who swobbed it and that came back satisfactory.. she said she wasnt worried at all. I told her it was burning.. at the tip in the middle as well and I asked her could it be my iron.. she said I have been on the iron tablets since november now so she doubted that.

Constantly looking in the mirror and driving myself mad.... I went to the dentist... she had a good look round and said she was not worried about the little sore on the side of my tongue and the white spots sounded like canker sores.

The sore on the side of my tongue was bothering me so off i went to the docs again... a different doctor this time.. she said she couldnt see anything. To put my mind at rest she offered I was refferred to an oral surgeon and I see him on the 28th of this month.

I got home after that appointment and felt something in my mouth and there on the inner cheek was another big white spot... I had just been to the doctors and it wasnt there before... i feel like i am going crazy.

Two days ago.. my tongue wasnt burning wasnt tingerling and not so white and it felt great... next day... that sore on my tongue hurts and now there is another one on the same side.. just a red sore.. it just suddenly appeared.

I am terrfied... I am so worried I have mouth cancer.

it sounds like what ive got.oral thrush from strong dose of antibiotics.u can get it if you are run down also.
mine was white patches that went red and sore when i rubbed them but mainly the cotton wool feeling in mouth.its horrible..
what did the dr put you on for the thrush,i had nystatin which im still taking but it hasnt gone completey,you can get them anywhere the inner cheeks.the roof of mouth.the tongue.ive got it in my throat which is why i feel like ive got a sore throat..also sometimes nystatin dosent work and you need something else for the thrush..its normally dakacort oral gel which you can get from the chemist..if the dr said you are clear from that it could be the side effects from the iron pills.even tho the dr doubted it everybodys body reacts differently..does it look like a tiny ulcer on the tongue..ive had a few of them on my tongue and they are so sore,
at least youve not got long before you are referred but hopefully it will be gone by then..

22-01-13, 13:33
Hi, I was treated for thrush using the nystatin. I was given it twice in December. I'm having a bad day over this .. I've now started feeling my neck and I'm sure I can feel a lump. I haven't had anymore white sores on the inner cheek but my tongue does still feel sore from time to time on one side. It seems to come and go. Just stressing about this lump... One side of the neck does not feel like the other side

17-01-15, 02:17
I know this is a old post...but wow. Iron level of 3!! Mine was 6.2 after giving birth from loosing blood and i had to have blood tranfusions. Normal level is around 13. Have they now raised? Im suprised you could walk i was so weak and dizzy/palpitations etc. Also they should look into why your levels are that low bcos thats VERY VERY low.

17-01-15, 13:17
It's not always too easy for ferritin levels to go up. Some take iron tablets for months and see only a little change. Have you had another blood test since you started iron tablets?