View Full Version : struggling with too much stress?

20-01-13, 10:57
hi the last 2wks ive had alot of stress and truama with my family firstly my young daughter got rushed into hospital with a kidney infection andbecause the hospital was5miles away i had to catch 2 buses to get there and because i so scared of traveling on buses iwas so anxuiose for days afrewards even tho i done it . and now my eldest daughters
marrage has ended andshe is in abit of mess as she has got 3young children who also are suffering so i have had to try and deal with helping her and grandchildren get thro it but all this has has made my anxiety really bad and i feel quilty because i dont want to be in this situation and have to deal with it because of the way i feel as i when some thing bad happenes i all ways get really bad with my anxiety and think why cant i cope with all the stress and just want to run away and hide ,could this be just because i have anxiety because i feel this way. i feel so quilty so would like to know if anyone else gets like this when things happen thk you

20-01-13, 11:13
Yep - I have a mum who has an immune disorder plus recently had a stroke and lives at the other end of the country, a boyf with serious biploar and alcohol issues and a foster dog who has quite bad doggy issues! Often feel guilty because I'm not strong enough to help them as much as I'd like. All the stress and worry really gets me run down and I often feel my anxiety getting out of control. Xmas was pretty horrendous for me.

You're not alone in how you feel - I often want to get away from them all and have just 5 mins of peace and quiet. I think the key is to try and find that 'you' time - whether its a hobby or just an early night so that you can have a quiet hour with a book before bed. More than anything - don't feel guilty! You obviously love them very much and are doing your best. You're only human and need to take care of yourself too xxx

20-01-13, 11:31
hi lissa thk u for replying and sorry u too have alot of problems to deal with and i feel much better knowing that im not alone i just wish i was a stronger person as i never used to be like this before i got anxiety, and it doesnt help that i have such a large family 8 children :) who are all grown up now and know that i will have more than my fare share of problems and stress than most people as it seems that every week some thing allways goes wrong or happens in my family so supose it doesnt help my anxiety just hope in time i will overcome it xx thk u

20-01-13, 11:45
You are a strong person to deal with all the problems plus added on anxiety. I'm in the same situation - always seems to be a crises or a drama occurring all the time. Some days I feel like I'm 100 years old and am just so fed up and worn out with everything. I still haven't worked out the magic formula to make me happier but when I feel really bad I just remind myself that I've got through it before and I can do it again. I wish I could see my family as a source of happiness and relaxation but the truth is, as much as I love them, I find it very hard being around them sometimes. Things do change and a year from now you may be feeling much better. Until then just keep going - and make sure you have a little time everyday where you don't think about problems xxx

20-01-13, 11:50
thank you u too xx:hugs: