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20-01-13, 11:34
Anyone tried Magnesium supplements to help with anxiety symptoms?

I'm really struggling atm. Every day I got that awful 'pit' feeling in my stomach when I go to work. I think ever since we got a new system at work in July things have just become more stressful, more work involved using it and some of it I can't wrap my head round. And at Christmas my Grandmother got very sick so I've been worried about her too. Plus general life stuff, intrusive thoughts about death and illness, being single and not seeing my friends very often. I'm constantly panicking and getting headaches. Life isn't fun just now.

So, I read online about the magnesium deficiency and anxiety and that supplements can help, wondered if anyone here had tried it? I just started taking a multivitamin (cheapo one so maybe it's crap) with magnesium in it but wondered if I should take one that's pure magnesium? I'm thinking I should see the doctor too but maybe I should try this first? I've been off anti depressants for a while now, not taking any meds just now. My doctor prescribed me valium once but I took one and it left me tearful and shaky, so I've not touched them since.

Thanks for any advice x

20-01-13, 12:36
Hi Madgirl, magnesium and vitamin B is really good for our nervous system and can help. I wouldn't leave GP visit for too long. To much pressure and stress can make you very bad. I felt similar to you since march last year. I had lots of changes at work, bad illness in my family and like you generally everyday worry. I new I need break but I just keep working long hours to the point I had nervous breakdown first week of December. Now I am off work, on medication since 4th of December and sill fighting terrible anxiety/ depression. If I knew it will end up like this I would go to doctor long time ago. I would just make appointment with GP and ask for advice. Just incase. xxx

20-01-13, 13:18
Thanks Princess2206. I've been feeling quite upset and tearful today. It sucks. I hate feeling this way. I feel that the weekends go in so fast and then I'm back at work and dealing with it all again (although the anxiety never goes away). If I take the odd day off as a holiday it's even worse, it's like the work is doubled when I go back. I've been signed off work before a couple of times (different job) and want to avoid this if possible. But I'm open to taking medication if it'll help. Just feel that I'm constantly going back on anti depressants, and I'll never stop taking them. It doesn't help that I'm always comparing myself to my friend, who has a great life, never been depressed, great job that she loves, loving husband and baby on the way. Not that I want kids but I always wonder why I find it so difficult to just exist. I also worry about people at work finding out about all this. The anxiety and depression and feeling that I can't cope.

I'll make the doctor's appointment soon. In the meantime I've ordered some magnesium tablets from Amazon.

20-01-13, 13:58
I know how you feel. But it is not our fault that we suffer this. It can happen to anyone. Me personally never thought I can feel this way ever. I was always strong and happy but too much pressure and stress can really destroy you. If medication is an answers to feel better I will continuing taking them as long as it takes.

21-01-13, 19:03
I've been like this, on and off since I was about 21, I'm now nearly 35. Last night was awful, I didn't get much sleep as I kept having panic attacks. Wanted to call in sick to work today but we're so busy right now and I felt guilty so I didn't bother. Felt like a zombie all day, sore stomach and tiredness, nearly bursting into tears a few times. I couldn't get a doctor's appointment for today either, but I'll try tomorrow. I feel so alone.

21-01-13, 19:10
please don't leave it to long going to the doc's, they might start you on something low to hope take the edge off. but you have to be open with them write it down so you don't forget what to say as we all come out and say oh I forgot about that. nobody needs to know your on meds you secret and nobody else's business.:bighug1:

ps I take quest magnesium with b6 from Amazon,also magnesium spray and almonds are full of magnesium just over pound bag at Tesco best value.

21-01-13, 19:34
Thanks Princess2206. I've been feeling quite upset and tearful today. It sucks. I hate feeling this way. I feel that the weekends go in so fast and then I'm back at work and dealing with it all again (although the anxiety never goes away). If I take the odd day off as a holiday it's even worse, it's like the work is doubled when I go back. I've been signed off work before a couple of times (different job) and want to avoid this if possible. But I'm open to taking medication if it'll help. Just feel that I'm constantly going back on anti depressants, and I'll never stop taking them. It doesn't help that I'm always comparing myself to my friend, who has a great life, never been depressed, great job that she loves, loving husband and baby on the way. Not that I want kids but I always wonder why I find it so difficult to just exist. I also worry about people at work finding out about all this. The anxiety and depression and feeling that I can't cope.
I'll make the doctor's appointment soon. In the meantime I've ordered some magnesium tablets from Amazon.

Hi I agree about getting to the Dr's asap but please try not to worry about being on antidepressants and not ever stopping them, if you are happier on them would you not consider just staying on them, maybe that's what your brain needs? I've come to the conclusion that I'll be on meds for a long long time and so what, if it makes me happier and living my life the best I can I'd rather that than worrying about stuff. Comparing yourself to others is very normal too, I've done lots of it but it's not helpful, there are plenty of positive qualities that anxious and depressed people possess - like sensitivity, caring and being hardworking. Try to focus on the positives rather than comparing yourself against others, I'm sure some people look at me and think -ohh she's confident and got it all, little do they know what's going on in my head. Yep, some people do seem to float through life without a care but you will not find an answer to why you can't seem to cope, you are just you, try to accept that and make the best of what you've got.
Oh and I take magnesium and have done for over 6 months, it's not done wonders but not made me worse either.
Take Care

21-01-13, 20:35
When I've been to the doctors before they usually ask if my heart rate goes up, and it doesn't really, it's more of a pit feeling in my stomach and slight shortness of breath. Coupled with intrusive thoughts that really get me down, not sure if there's much that can be done for that.

I'll look out for almonds tomorrow, thanks. I ordered magnesium from Amazon but it'll be a week or two until it arrives, annoying.

24-01-13, 21:57
Just a quick update: I went to the doctor's on Tuesday. Did the usual breaking down but managed to explain how I'm feeling and after chatting over my options (he reckons I must be predisposed to being depressed/anxious after being on and off meds for over 10 years) and didn't feel like he should put me back on anti depressants right away, but said I need to work through my issues using techniques I learned on the CBT course I did a couple of years back (can't even remember them now!). I was panicking that he wasn't going to prescribe me anything to help, but he gave me beta blockers. I'll see how I get on using them, I didn't have panic attacks the past two nights anyway, so that's good.

25-01-13, 11:59
Hi, someone recommended to me 'nutricalm' from a herbal online site natures sunshine they are a combination of vitamins and minerals needed to help battles stresses and anxiety. They are v good. Try them. I know how you feel. I have also just started yoga thats good for deep breathing and relaxation. Also try a kinisiology session. It finds your points of weakness and gives you the vitamins nd minerals your body is lacking.
Good luck, remember we know how u feel and always log on here for support