View Full Version : dreams

20-01-13, 15:05
i hate dreams where you keep waking up and over and over and over. i just had one of those and finally i saw some stuff on my bed that i recognized but i wasn't really aware of where i was but i saw my stuffed bear and i reached for it and finally woke up for real for real! that's really strange i've never had that happen to me before. i have the weirdest sleeping experiences. my body usually wakes up before my brain does and i usually hallucinate things that aren't there while being aware that i'm in my room. i've never seen things that were really there and didn't recognize them. being the anxious creature i am i'm pretty scared it's going to happen to me while i'm awake or something. it was so weird! it sort of felt like i was upside down trapped under something. this is what i get for napping when i shouldn't have been!

20-01-13, 16:49
I don't day nap for this reason, I tend to get sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations. Rest assured that this is normal and you can never get "stuck" in that state forever. It helps to normalise your sleeping routine and don't get too stressed.

22-01-13, 17:36
it happened again today and this time i was less horrified. i could tell in my dream that i was dreaming because something strange happened and then i told myself to wake up. i had that weird feeling where everything looked and felt..not unfamiliar but backwards or upside down and weird for a few seconds so i closed my eyes tight and fully woke up. it is always these naps that i don't need that i just take because i have nothing better to do. more of a reason to cut that out.

ps pancho i noticed that you're a whovian a while ago and i was going to say something but i didn't want to just randomly blurt it out in the middle of a thread that had been dead a while so here's my chance OH MY GOSH A WHOVIAN?! HI! okay done now.

22-01-13, 19:09
ps pancho i noticed that you're a whovian a while ago and i was going to say something but i didn't want to just randomly blurt it out in the middle of a thread that had been dead a while so here's my chance OH MY GOSH A WHOVIAN?! HI! okay done now.

I'm a what..?

22-01-13, 19:39
oh gosh are you not a doctor who fan? i knew this would happen if i just assumed instead of asking first! >.<

22-01-13, 20:51
One of my earliest memories whilst a young child (6ys approx) was that I was lyeing in bed day-dreaming , stareing at a book I was holding, it was a childrens book with a picture of a boy & girl on the front cover, the girl had her hair banded in 2 pigtails, & my eyes were focused on them for quite some time.
All of a sudden, the girls pigtails appeared to 'shake' in the picture, this frightened me & so in a frenzied painc I threw the book down & did'nt touch the book for a long time after this.
It was a classic case of my eyes playing tricks on my tired mind , I cannot recall anything else 'odd' happening, although I dremt a few times that I played with coins (money) under my bed sheets, the coins seemed 'so real' in my dream, but in the morning there was no money after I'd searched :unsure:.

22-01-13, 21:23
No, lol, why did you think that? :roflmao:

22-01-13, 21:26
No, lol, why did you think that? :roflmao:
She mistakenly forseen this in her dream ? :winks:

23-01-13, 07:39
She mistakenly forseen this in her dream ? :winks:

yes precisely :laugh: