View Full Version : Chronic brain fog / dizziness?

20-01-13, 16:22
I have been experiencing brain fog and slight to mild dizziness, rarely strong for the past 4-3 weeks. In the first week it was mostly strong, It was really worrying me, the doctor said it can't be neurological, blood tests were normal. The brain fog I have is kind of - my mind seems to be somewhere else, just having random thoughts, as the thoughts I have are reality and the real world is more like a dream, often I find myself with blurred vision and tripping on my thoughts. It is really difficult to focus on doing math or programming. It feels like I am tipsy almost all the time. It's not like the world is spinning but more like, lightheadedness. It makes me feel tired and sleepy, I have bad dreams lately as well... Could it be all from my anxiety? Could I feel constant brain fog and mild dizziness every day for the past 4-3 weeks from too much anxiety? The number of panic attacks have decreased a lot and I feel better in general but this brain fog and dizziness still bothers me quite a bit... sometimes it escalates to mild panics. What do you think? The real issue here is that the longer that dizziness stays, the more I think I have cancer or something else : / I have an appointment with an ENT specialist on 30th, because my GP thought it could have something to do with the inner ear / sinuses. And I hope it does, however stupid it might sound, because not knowing what causes it, is driving me nuts : /

Thank you in advance :)

21-01-13, 14:05
Hi, I too have had muzzy head/lightheadedness for 7 weeks now. At the start I had it almost all day every day, don't get it as constantly now but still a few times. It is very scary and has stopped me doing things as i'm worried about fainting (never have)! I have had blood tests (normal), eye test (normal) and am waiting for the results of brain and sinus CT scans. I do suffer from asthma, allergic rhinitis and nasal polyps so am hoping they find a cause for this symptom. Think doc is getting fed up now as I have seen him more in the last 7 weeks than in previous 7 years!! Heres hoping we both find some peace from this horrible symptom soon, best wishes