View Full Version : hate the way i.m feeling

20-01-13, 17:53
today i feel like crap my mind is so muddled my anxiety and depression is getting worse its driveing me crazy i dont think i can hold on anymore just feel like ending my life i just hate myself :weep:

20-01-13, 18:02
First of all big hugs to you :bighug1:, if you feel that bad you need to let someone know, is there anyone with you at the mo?

20-01-13, 18:03
gem, I am so sorry you are having such a bad day but it WILL get better. I know you won't feel that at the moment but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. What medication are you taking and how long for?

Fawlty Towers
20-01-13, 18:49
Hello from Canada,

Please know that you are not alone with these feelings and others like us share the same feelings that is why I feel so fortunate to have found this site. Some of us have loved ones to confide in others do not or afraid to let them know for fear of being judged. I am one of those.

Do you have a pet that depends on you? It really helps me at those moments when you want to give up. She is just 4 pounds of unconditional love but just holding and hugging her helps so much. I think what would happen to her if I were gone?
If you do not have a pet, you have us. We are not just words on a screen , we are real people like you and want to help someone else as it also helps us to put everything into perspective.
It will get better as personally I have had some days that I do not have any panic attacks or really severe depression. I cannot attribute it to any one thing unfortunately or I would do it again. It just happens. So do not let anyone tell you it is terminal or forever, it is not.

Please let us know you have gone beyond this bad feeling of giving up and are going to carry on with the rest of us in this "battle".


The new (survivor) not the victim.

20-01-13, 20:29
Gem 7, There's some great advice on here and you just need to hold on tight and believe us till this phase 'passes.
I don't know much about what you've been going through but if you're having feelings like you've described above, talking to someone can only help. Just like Fawlty Towers says, there's us to support you.
And the Samaritans are absolutely brilliant. But don't sit there and suffer in silence. We're here. Talk to us. And go and see your GP


21-01-13, 16:23
thank you all i.ve been on trazodone for years its not really helping i take lemon balms too but they dont help much either i dont have a pet the dog i used to have years ago got snatched i miss her so much there was some one with me yesterday my sister stayed in with me now i.m in on my own cos my sister went out this morning i know i.m not alone but sometimes it feels that way to me and since decemeber i havent heard off hospital they said they were going to call me and they didnt and write to me of what to do next still waiting i just hate being like this i wish i could be the old me again :frown:

23-01-13, 12:52
The 'old me' is still there somewhere:)whatever you are felling angry or sad about - shout it out on here:hugs:we are all going thro similar horrrible fears and stressess, so we will try to be supportive for you