View Full Version : small dark mass in stool

20-01-13, 23:29
That's what I noticed this morning. Black about thumbnail in size. Nothing else abnormal about the stools. I can't think of anything I have eaten or drank that could have caused this. It was a separate entity and was lodged onto the side of the stool if that makes any sense. I'm terrified it's a blood clot.
I'm out of my mind with worry.

21-01-13, 05:20
I guess it's cancer then :weep:

Daisy Sue
21-01-13, 05:57
i think there'd be other signs if it was something as serious as cancer...

it could be something you ate a few days ago, and it's really hard to remember every single thing we've eaten over the past few days. most vegetable matter remains semi undigested, like potato skins, raisins etc., and the black colour could be completely normal for that bit of food.... umm, i don't recommend you get fixated on your poo, but unless you notice this a lot, and it's looking extremely like a clot ie: black or dark jelly lumps, i would try not to worry...

if you can't help but worry, i'd definitely talk to a GP or practice nurse for some reassurance.

21-01-13, 06:15
I think it's highly unlikely that it's cancer. I'm with Daisy, it's most likely something you've eaten as things change when they're digested and it wouldn't necessarily be recognisable. But as Daisy also says if it's going to worry you it might be worth mentioning to your GP.

21-01-13, 06:18
I agree it wouldn't be cancer but I think for peace of mind you should ring your doctors practice and ask for a sample bottle and when you spot it again sometime scoop it up into the bottle and send it away for testing. That way you will know for sure.

I went through the same thing as you but mine was red bits in my poo anyway I had sample bottles given to me from my doctor and I waited till I spotted it again and sent it off for testing. It turned out to be tomato skin and I was so relieved. But its always good to know what it is for sure instead of guessing. But I am very sure you will have nothing to worry about :)

21-01-13, 13:24
I think it is something you ate. I had a similar worry awhile ago about chunks of fleshy looking things in my stool. I was sure it was my intestine rotting from my crohns.
It turns out they were bananas. I only notice it when I eat bananas. I know that is what it was as I looked it up on google images, and sure enough what other people had matched.

But tons of things can like that can pop up in your stool. For example, I also had what I was sure was blood. Turns out it was red licorice.

I wouldn't even mention it to your GP. I am sure it is nothing.

And as I mentioned, I have crohns. And trust me, if something was wrong with you in your intestines you would feel it or have lots of dark blood. And dark blood isn't lodged in your stool like that. It floats, and is very greasy.

21-01-13, 23:32
Thankyou all so much for the replies. I really appreciate it.
I will keep an eye on it and if I see it happens again, I will go to the GP.
Thanks all once again.